DAITA: Defence Against AI-guided Traffic Analysis. Which one of these would consider to be the best option for privacy? I can’t have both on at the same time.
As a side note, I don’t know if I maybe have something configured wrong but is DAITA supposed to absolutely massacre your connection speed? I assumed it would be slower but my connection goes from ~190Mpbs to 3Mbps when I enable it.
on my phone it goes from 280 to less than 1, on pc from 700 to 400-ish which is acceptable. but idk what the heck happens on android, becomes unusable.
Only a few server support d a i t a, so if you enable it, your traffic is routing to a few servers on the entire planet. So it’s very slow
I thought if you enable DAITA, you can either connect to a DAITA-Enabled server, or if you don’t, it’ll automatically multihop to a DAITA server. For speed I think you’d want to go straight for the DAITA but I’m fairly certain you can do both if multihopping is ideal.
you can have both, you just might need to use something like qubes to encapsulate the traffic easily; Or use the socks5 proxies to do your own multihop proxying
It’s down to your threat model: If someone is analyzing your local traffic the DAITA is valuable. If you want to obscure your geographical region then multi-hop is good.
Would adding tor on top of AIDATA (or AIDATA on top of tor) provide anything useful?