You know that rule “shut down all screens” 1 hour before sleep, but there’s always something do watch/to program etc. Have you do you find the discipline to do it regularly?

How do you deal with the going-out in the evening, if you strive to wake up at that time?

Do you have some interesting/intense routine like running, which was quite common in american movies?

    1 day ago

    Melatonin helps me sort of “enforce” a bed time. Whenever I realise I’m itchin’ for a binge, I pop 5mg of melatonin and I’m dozy within 30-45 minutes. And it’s not the full system shutdown you get with sleeping pills, it just brings about that organic “need to sleep now, will continue tomorrow” feeling.

    Also, aging “helps.” I’m in my mid 30s and have noticed that my bed time has become progressively earlier - used to pull 6 hours of sleep (usually 2AM-8AM) without issues in my late 20s, now I feel almost hungover if I don’t get my 8 hours and/or wake up after 8AM, and need to compensate with naps for about a week.

    I haven’t needed to wake up earlier than 7AM regularly for over a decade, though, so YMMV with these specifics. But I still do recommend giving melatonin a shot. The only caveat I have for it is that it may mess with your blood sugar levels, so 100% consult a physician beforehand if you have such issues.