When you’re at work, do you ever find yourself fantasizing and being hyper motivated about being home to continue THAT thing you’re really excited about or should be doing. But then once you get home all motivation evaporates and you end up doing nothing and feeling guilty about it?

  • RustyNova@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Same, and I’m trying to fight against it. I’ve noticed that when coming home I am not just procrastinating, but actually exhausted. Idk if it’s due to concentrating all day, or something with me, but I do know that I am tired.

    I’ve started to actually embrace it, and for the time until I get dinner, I just rest. Might sleep even. There’s no point in fighting, as I aren’t in the mental space to do things. Then after dinner I’m back to do stuff, maybe even later in the night as I am more rested from my nap.

    Although another take on it is that things are lot more enticed to do things when you can’t/don’t have them.

    I am not a doctor, nor claim what I do is healthy, but that’s just my experience. If anyone got tips I’m listening

    • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
      1 month ago

      Me too. I wish I could devote the amount of time/energy to hobbies that I do to work, but my job pays for that time and attention, so they get it

      I’ve got so used to that way of operating, I actually have some difficulty marshalling that same kind of focus (such as it is…) to hobbies or projects I actually care about.

      It takes me a pretty long “runway” (like longer than 2 days without paid work) to build up the gumption to even consider doing something self actualizing.

      Even then, I’ll usually just do a udemy course that’s good for my career or whatever. I’m fkn corpo brained mates 🫨

  • Jtskywalker@lemm.ee
    26 days ago

    Pretty much every day. I think it’s because we have a limited capacity and for many of us our job requires us to mask to some degree and it just takes all of our energy, even if it isn’t physically or even intellectually demanding. There’s no reason I should feel completely drained and demotivated by just sending emails, but it is what it is.

    I try to go somewhere quiet and lay on the floor or something. Or literally touch grass - get feet in the dirt, listen to the wind in the trees, that sort of thing. And stay away from screens for a bit. I’m still trying to find ways to help regulate my nervous system since I need different things on different days but those are some of the most effective for me.

    • okamiueru@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Can I ask in which way it helps? Or perhaps, what in particular it helps with? For example, the “feeling guilty” part is very different from “motivation evaporates”, but remedying either, or something else entirely, can be considered helping.

      • TheSambassador@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        I have the complete opposite experience. Weed removes the guilt of not doing anything, but it usually leads to me doing nothing.

        I enjoy weed occasionally because it turns off that hyper critical voice in my head, but it absolutely isn’t a magic motivation medicine for most people.

        After using pretty heavily last year and taking a break, I’ve realized that the overall effect is fairly negative, because it just makes me way too ok with doing nothing. Sometimes I need to do nothing and take a break, and it’s great for helping me do that, but for me personally, it’s a major negative when I’m doing it regularly.

        Obviously your experience is different (as is everyone’s a little) so feel free to try it, just keep in mind that it can get very easy to get addicted to that “mellow brain” feeling until you realize that all progress on all of your goals have stalled out because it’s easy to just be high all afternoon and evening. There are lots of people who can be motivated and productive while high, but I think I’ve determined that I’m not one of them.

  • breadsmasher@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Regularly I am focused, fixated, excited for another activity - but whatever I am not currently doing. Once I start, I lose interest quickly and end up thinking about some other activity