• Trashcan@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The best outcome now is for the fuckers to mobilize and start killing ppl. Perform some actual Geneva convention war crimes and just really go to town. Proper attack.

    Because right now is a very small but vocal group. And I’m sure Don Snorleone would marvel and rave about a new group of people marching forcefully in his name. Right up until they starts to execute democrats and people disagreeing with them on a whim.

    Then you could respond in force, killing and jailing them and no one would disagree. It would be a wake-up call. It could purge parts of the GOP.

    Now you have secession talks within the party that will just be whispers until this thing grows out of control. Then you get “Ciwil war” or god damn praise be “Handmaidens tale”…

    Rise up and get fucked!

    • Th0rgue@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      “The best thing” and “start killing ppl” should not be in one sentence. Those ppl will have families. I get the idea but no.

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    So the people who screamed about the scary, scary BLM protesters rioting due to what they (rightly) viewed as a miscarriage of justice now think rioting should happen because of what they (wrongly) view as a miscarriage of justice.

    As usual, it’s okay with they do it.

    • The thing I think is the most irreconcilable, incompromisable, consistently demonstrated behavior of The Right in America is the blatant hypocrisy about nearly all of their planks. It’s the thing that, when the next civil war comes, will allow me to pull the trigger on anyone wearing a red baseball cap with little remorse.

      • Everyone needs guns to defend themselves from The State, because 2A! (Except for black people defending themselves from no-knock entry cops who got the address wrong)
      • The government shouldn’t be allowed to tell us how to live! (Except for LGBTQ* people, women’s choices about their own bodies, or homeless people)
      • The Constitution is sacrosanct! (Except for the part about separation of church and state, we just ignore that part)

      It’s the same for their every. Single. Position. It makes me weary, and furious, depressed and pessimistic.

      • valek879@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        I wish I could after on the guns things but I should not own a gun! I have a history of depression and I super don’t want to have easy access.

        That said, put a gun in my hands and I’ll do my part to end fascism. I’m even a fairly decent shot for having only fired a gun 3 different times. Just please take the thing away from me when I rotate out.

        Better yet, get me an fpv headset.

        When I joined the militia I had promised myself to kill one Fascist – after all, if each of us killed one they would soon be extinct… -George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia

        • I’m not advocating anyone buy a gun, mind you. My general opinion on guns is the same about cars: the only person I truly trust to operate one is me; the rest of all y’all are just generally unreliable.

          That said: get a long gun. Any non-Bulpup rifle with a 20” or longer barrel - it’s really hard to commit suicide with a long rifle. You can find a way, sure, but there are far easier, more reliable ways to off yourself than trying to figure out how to pull a trigger you can’t reach when the bangy end is pointed at your head. And the knowledge that most people who try doing this end up still alive but permanently mangled and with reduced faculties may drive you to seek those alternative methods.

          Another plus for a rifle is that it’s simply a better weapon for killing fascists. We have a lot of evidence that handguns are almost never used in armed conflicts. They’re far less powerful than rifles (in general), and their effective ranges are drastically shorter. Get a cheap optic, do some practice shooting, and you’ll be better armed and prepared than any open-carry idiot running around armed only with their trusty Colt M1911 with official Trump pistol grips.

          I really wish that last part was a joke.

          I don’t mean to come across as minimizing mental health issues. I also can’t prevent you from trying to off yourself. All that said, I hope you are able to get help, and get healthy.

          • valek879@sh.itjust.works
            1 month ago

            Hey thanks, this is an idea that I hadn’t thought much about and I’ll have to consider it. I also need consider storage and how to get to a range without a car but those things are workable.

            As for my mental health, I’m doing well and feel in a good place all around. I got married a year and a half ago and have a stable life. I’m doing good. This will have to be a process if I’m going to buy a rifle but your arguments have opened me to the idea.

  • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I looked at /r/conservative last night and it was not good for my mental health. Thousands of commenters all agree it was a sham trial that he will win on appeal and that this will only earn him votes.

    The last two things, they may be right about and that’s terrifying.

    • lennybird@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      They move the goalpost at every turn.

      I remember when they said he’d win big in 2020. I remember when they said he wouldn’t be indicted. Next it’s some other silly line in the sand. They’re not exactly great prognosticators.

      They call it a sham but I ask, where is the proof? There is, of course, zero.

        • Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          They said mostly. I know a few Trump supporters. They’ll all agree with each other that it was a sham trial, but it wont amount to anything. They peaked with January 6th and even that was pathetic compared to real revolutions from history.

        • exanime@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Who do you think was “on the fence” about Trump but now that he is a convicted felon is now definitely convinced Trump is their guy?.. because this is the only way he gets more votes after the conviction

          • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            I don’t know. It might convince some elderly or very young idiots that their vote is more important than ever and increase turnout. But I have no idea. I’m just terrified of another term of trump. He would end the United States’ chance of improving any time soon.

            • StaySquared@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              As opposed to… lol Biden? You do realize we’re at the verge of losing relations that benefit the U.S., right? With Biden and those like Biden running things, the Global South will be the new power house of the world.