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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • The US is trying to keep these tiny ones out because they want you you buy their big gas vehicles or larger, more expensive electrics. Larger vehicles consume more resources, take more to produce, and even large electric vehicles draw more from the dirty grid than a small personal conveyance like these designed to move you and your groceries.

    And that’s a strawman to infer that our self-destruction hinges on this single point. This is yet another example on the heap of the larger problem. “it might hurt short term PROFITS for our greed mongers, so we won’t allow something that might begin to mitigate the scale of the problem.”

    That said, it sounds like you agree with them, and if that’s the case, I have good news, they’ll continue to get their way in every economic sector, and yes, cumulatively, our species is paying and will pay an even greater price for allowing blind, insatiable greed to make every decision.


    If we cared about having a future for the species at all, Humanity’s only mission right now would be to END the global economy’s jihad of growth/metastasis, every major nation would institute child limits, and we would work to end consumerism and find homeostasis/equilibrium instead for the sake of our very survival, because this reverse terraforming we’ve done in decades will take millions of years for the earth to heal from. That’s nothing to Earth’s 3.8 billion year old story of life, but it might as well be eternity to our short term monkey brains.

    But as common economic decisions like this demonstrate, we have decided to burn the future so as not to disrupt the reckless party of avarice and gluttony for our owners today. Is what it is.

  • I’m sorry, but again, jim crow.

    Our most revered eras of prosperity, except the 90s, were so prosperous on the backs of a massive, racially determined underclass supporting it and not benefitting from it with no other options. They never even had well funded schools worth the defunding that’s happened to the rest since then.

    And once a lot of people died getting rid of that, the owners decided fuck all the peasants, leading into today’s economic despair.

    Also rock and roll was derived from African American music, and was just another thing Americans stole from their underclass to benefit themselves.

  • My standards for my country are incredibly low, I just wish everyone would acknowledge that we are a people who don’t care that our kids shoot our kids regularly.

    Instead we have everyone playing pretend it’s a tragedy when it happens despite changing nothing since the last one perpetually a few days ago. Bullshit. Our inaction tells a different story. If we cared, we’d force our government to change it, and considering the severity of the problem, with revolution that’s necessary because anything short doesn’t work. Australia woke up in response to kids killing kids, so fuck this sociopathic cesspool with a cactus for failing to.

    Here in America, we consider it normal for kids to kill kids, baseball got boring and we realized Apple pie was too carby, so we spectate our children blowing each other’s brains out. Its who we are, world, balls to bones. Measure us accordingly, because we all know we’ll bullshit our kids that are left into believing there is no problem, so I’m grateful the perverse absurdity of our “society” is being recorded elsewhere. 🤷