even more liberalism lol just double down
do you condemn the federation for their horrible authoritarianism in their treatment of the maquis
even more liberalism lol just double down
do you condemn the federation for their horrible authoritarianism in their treatment of the maquis
source of that quote is i wrote it before bed
anticapitalist views of society in general are eldritch brain horrors that peel back the veil of reality and reveal the utter putrescence of capitalist society in such a way that its horrors are forever unseeable and, for some, almost unbearable, as every single moment which passes bears witness to uncountable instances of preventable suffering through not just exploitation but incredibly callous disregard for the value of human lives, and for communists it’s that x10
@startrek.liberalism showing its ass again
Unlike traditional libraries, which pay licensing fees to publishers to make their books available for lending,
i didn’t even know they did that I thought they just bought books and it was legal to lend them out because that’s the fucking point of a library
you can either have private jackasses own everything like petty kings of their little financial fiefdoms, or you can have capital be socially owned and operated without the explicit need for next quarter profit seeking, those are your fucking choices you nerd
Yes because workers owning their own workplace and directing activity democratically with no owner class siphoning profits has to work the exact same because…
Oh wait, it doesn’t and you’re just a fucking moron
I didn’t “disclaim” anything, I accurately stated something about the instancw being full of liberalism and then Miles O Liberalism immediately went off about “dictator states” like a good lib would
then what fucking “dictator states” have your panties all fucking twisted then, because if you think Cuba Good but somehow the AuThOrItARiAnISm of China or the DPRK is “too much” then idk, you’re ideologically incoherent
I called your dumb fucking lemmyv instance liberal without a word about you other than COOL USERNAME and then you immediately decided to display your liberal ass like a baboon on a mating kick
i don’t care about this post and I think @startek.whatever is probably full of libs but I gotta say I am super envious of having registered “miles o’brien” on @startrek.liberals, like that’s some gold tier username there. godspeed, commander
It’s like you don’t understand dick all, liberal
The U.S. is 100x the authoritarian hellhole literally any “dictatorship” your dumbass two neuron brain could think of, but you’re blinded by liberalism into a directionless anti “authoritarianism” that precludes ever questioning who that authority benefits.
Your ignorance leads you to defend the worst fucking empire in history by attacking its enemies because you don’t fucking know any better.
It gives me great solace knowing liberals like you will have to watch Chinese living standards increase at exponential rates, having to conjure more and more wacked out reasoning for why that is (spoiler: it’s a dictatorship of the proletariat)