And significantly shorter.
Hmm, sorry to be a trouble, I’ve clicked several links in that article, but have not found the right one. My browser limits a lot of things that websites might want to do, by my own choice. It’s really not that important. And I’ve seen a few of trumpie’s asshole handshakes, so even the thought of someone getting the best of him in the ‘handshake game’ is amusing. And of course Raw Story is a shitshow of a website. Is the link, by any chance to that nazi website called “X”, you know like softcore porn? In which case I’d prefer to not open it. It’s all good, and if you are amused that’s a lovely thing.
Where’s the vid?
Well, I mean, you do have four arms, so that’s kinda nifty.
Let’s make certain Gonzales is correct.
Anybody paying attention to how weird GOP media has been becoming for over a decade has been speculating in this direction. It’s good that the DOJ has finally done something. And lol, tenet media has folded.
I think those charges should be filed. Make them, the AG, the GOP, follow thru with their threats, it will tend to make them look ridiculous, criminal, or worse. And cause charges to be filed against them.
I hope you are correct.
Merchan has put the onus on the electorate. We, the American electorate must assure that 11/26 comes AND trump the citizen, unemployed by the government in any office, is sentenced for his felonious crime, for which he was convicted in May of 2024. This is the only way in which justice will be served.
Actually not too concerned about shaming, but rather, they should get a visit from the FBI, and or appropriate police type persons. Information should be gathered, and charges should be filed. Subsequent court case, etc, etc, given that we live in a civilized society, and we already have procedures for this sort of activity.
This is fooking hilliare!!!
I’mma guess the answer to your question, is no, Friend TimeSquirrel. Get on wit’ yo’ Bad Self!
It’s a start, should have been done ages ago, sure should be more, but at least the rest of the world is realizing that this is an important issue for the whole world. Now let’s get the rest of what’s needed to the Congo ASAP.
I mean of course he pleads “not guilty”. The whole point of this trial is prove him conclusively, and irrevocably guilty. Which, fortunately will be easy given the mountains of evidence. smh.
Where’s hypnotoad when we need him most?!?
Eye see what you did there.
Friends and I love to dance to live music, and back in the day this was often in a local bar, where people were drinking and smoking. It was policy to remove our clothing outside to let it ‘air out’ rather than bring that smoke smell into the house. Of course we were all dancing HARD, in a smoke filled rooms. I wondered if I was in training to be a fire fighter, or what?