Ignore these liberals. Vote green every election if that’s your preference. These idiots don’t know shit beyond voting blue no matter who. American elections are so fucking broke that these people will draw blood if you dont vote for their pet warmonger candidate. The exclusion of third parties from debates is criminal and has created these legions of knuckledraggers.
Weird too, I thought Lemmy was a reprieve from normie tier politics. Embarrassing, go back to reddit all you fucking liberal trash.
If Copmala doesn’t reflect your values then don’t vote for her. If that cOStS HeR vOtEs then so be it. Don’t fall for the meme of having to support the lesser evil.
Also if you think Stein is a RuSSiAn AsSeT please get your fucking head checked. You are not immune to propaganda and you’ve fell for it. Dumbfucks.
Absolute bullshit. Go back to reddit.