This is quite disturbing, thank you for sharing. I forget that the localised cultural medias on both sides is likely the greater measure of reality but not within most people’s awareness.
This is quite disturbing, thank you for sharing. I forget that the localised cultural medias on both sides is likely the greater measure of reality but not within most people’s awareness.
Natural selection
This is why you build by integrating into the hill rather than flattening it.
In the future, 3D environment resolution will be measured in points per m3
Will keep happening as long as contracts are awarded based on flashy proposals.
I think she is referring to court and “eating her up” refers to her arm being used as evidence.
You emphasised the word exactly but op didn’t say that. Did you read his comment before hitting submit?
Pro tip: use a sea level simulator to identify future coastline properties! /s
What if humanity was created to cause climate change for the next phase of Earth’s biological evolution? Is no-one considering a grander plan than what happens to humans?
There are billions of people on earth who don’t have access to a computer.
With Google providing 80% of Mozilla’s finding, I think we can all see whats going to happen next.
A wise man will think twice before speaking and then say nothing.
What does SI mean?
“Several mining companies have plans to collect these nodules”
Of course there are. This why we can’t nice things.
Changed only a few weeks ago from Win 11, all the AI crap was creeping in. Using Ubuntu and really enjoying it!
There are so many industries where building or manufacturing standards will not withstand environmental changes.
I like how one person said they don’t use child labour because they are inefficient. If they were efficient though …