Did you read the article? The actual details of the program are pretty far from what you say here. Don’t have time to bullet point at the moment but please trust me and just take a full look. As someone with deep personal experience around this issue, their method might be a genuine answer to the problem, when properly scaled. Not the first time a plan like theirs has been tried either; Olympia, WA has a similar program for direct outreach.
I think you’re being intentionally obtuse. The article is anything but vague. Are they supposed to name the exact agencies and businesses involved, or can we reasonably assume that Laydon is referring to state funded assistance? Here’s some select bits of the article since you don’t want to read.
Edit: Additionally, I fail to see the relevance of money spent if it actually results in less people unhoused. Denver spent way more money and ended up with a higher unhoused population than before.