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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • Demonstrably effective

    Where’s the logic in looking at something successful and picking a singular thing to be responsible? What seems more likely is you are looking for an idea you are attached to that exists adjacent to something successful. It’s like a Mormon looking for successful Mormon CEOs to then claim the company’s success is due to the Mormon work ethic. It’s like how in Whiplash the Charlie Parker story is venerated and seen as explanatory by the characters.

  • As someone who has done keto in the past and someone who has been a vegan for years I agree, at least in regards to myself. But the key difference is veganism is not a diet, what vegans eat is just a consequence of their ethics. Vegans are insufferable because animal ethics are a serious moral issue. I disagree with the pompous part though. I don’t pat myself on the back for being vegan the same way I don’t pat myself on the back for not committing various other moral abuses. I’m not contributing anything positive to the world by being a vegan, but I’m hopefully stepping on the rights of others less.

  • Some of the most nutritionally complete foods we can eat like spinach and other such veggies are limited (though not excluded) on a keto diet, meanwhile there is no limit to how much of these you can eat as a vegan. But also food isn’t just medicine or energy, it can also be poison, and other than refined junk it’s going to be the animal foods that are some of the deadliest.

    I’ll agree with you that foods like wheat and rice are not very nutritious, but also they aren’t likely to be the foods that kill you, and you can easily not eat them. Meanwhile keto is very hard to do without animal foods, for many people it’s very hard to do even with animal foods. Keto doesn’t just require you to exclude a list of foods like you sell it, it has very strict macro requirements which requires monitoring your intake of many of the allowed foods.