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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • Pretty much all RCS goes through Google servers. They control all the implementations, even in the cases where a carrier has implemented it themselves they likely use Google Jibe system.

    If your speaking to someone over RCS you should expect Google to be involved. Even with apple implementing it on iPhone. iPhones are likely to default to iMessage between each other, so the other user is likely an android so messages are getting routed through Google. It’s likely apples decision was based on pressure from Google and the billions of dollars they give apple every year.

    Google has repeatedly made attempts to make a messaging app that have failed. RCS is their chosen method to get access to app messaging metadata and it looks to be working. They are displacing text messaging and making it look like nothings changed.

  • Googles attempt at intercepting all text messages.

    It’s supposed to be SMS 2.0 but only google took it serious and it’s only supported by Google. Most carriers that do support it are using Googles Jibe system, they’ve now pressured apple into using it as well. Likely tied to the many billions they pay apple every year.

    Google doesn’t let anyone else make a RCS app except them and Samsung. So you can’t get a free and open messenger with it.

  • This is a common misconception of the placebo effect. The placebo effect is a measurement issue, not an actual benefit.

    Tests are corrupted by using the reposnes and judgement of humans. People will say they had some sort of benefit because of expectations, poor recollection and politeness. It doesn’t mean a benefit was gained. A placebo group allows researchers to quantify how much the placebo effect has on the data they gathered, they can then see if the experiment they did had any effect. Placebo is literally our definition of zero effect.

    Anyone telling you placebo is a good thing is wrong, misinformed or deliberately misleading you. In many countries it is illegal for doctors to prescribe ‘placebo treatments’. They will still recommend such things to their patients - not because they work but because they get the patient out the door and less likely to come bother them again.

  • That analogy isn’t the same, at all. The Chinese aircraft didn’t just check them out, they deliberately flew dangerous as an intimidation tactic. The Dutch airforce doesn’t do this to anyone in the North Sea, even Russian bobmers. They just intercept, follow and tell them to leave.

    The Dutch aircraft and boats weren’t acting suspiciously or hostile at all. They were carrying out UN sanctioned activities. China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council they could have vetoed these activities if they didn’t agree with them.

    China allowed this operation, then they the behaved deliberately dangerously as an intimidation tactic. China wants to spread propaganda that this is okay and normal behaviour, it isn’t. They want to normalise their behaviour so they can bully their neighbours easier than before. Similar tactics have lead to fishermen dieing due to Chinas aggressive posturing.

  • There isn’t a good way to get the jellyfin app running on a properly open and free os. You need an android tv box, fire tv, Apple TV, the tv os or something similar. You could run it on Linux, but there isn’t a good well supported out of the box works with tv os like Kodi offers with libreElec.

    Android may be open source but not the setup to make it work with a tv well. If you want privacy on a tv you need kodi.

  • This is a solved issue. Use a bit set to have the different heads you need to fit on one driver. You can get ones that store the bits inside the driver.

    Any telescopic mechanism is going to have a hollow centre and be weaker and prone to deforming. Larger hex keys are used to deliver more torque, making them hollows defeats the purpose of having a larger key, and small bolt and hex key should have been used to save weight and cost (or the same size to standardised the tooling).

  • I think it is much harder to lobby the EU due to it’s structure. The EU is composed of many countries with distinct culture and objectives. The only way for everyone to agree on policies is compromise. This makes it much harder to successfully lobby…

    If you lobby one political party in the EU successfully, you will only have about 2% of the votes Whereas in the US you have about 50% of the votes and of course you would focus on the party best placed to make the change.

    Europe does still have issues with lobbies. In many of the individual countries the effectiveness of lobbying is comparable, and in some cases worse.

    The best solution are anti-lobbying regulation, increased political engagement of the electorate, better journalism and proportionate representarion.