• 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • Yeah, the bank that manages my mortgage has mandatory text message 2fa if you’re on a new computer. And something about Firefox keeps it from remembering my machine, so I have to do the text message 2fa everytime.

    Right now it’s working fine, but they had a period of a few months where the text messages would take 10-15min to send after you tried to log in, and the log in attempt would expire after 5 min, making it impossible to log in. All of which could be avoided if they would let me use a 2fa app.

  • AI generated csam is still csam.

    Idk, with real people the determination on if someone is underage is based on their age and not their physical appearance. There are people who look unnaturally young that could legally do porn, and underage people who look much older but aren’t allowed. It’s not about their appearance, but how old they are.

    With drawn or AI-generated CSAM, how would you draw that line of what’s fine and what’s a major crime with lifelong repercussions? There’s not an actual age to use, the images aren’t real, so how do you determine the legal age? Do you do a physical developmental point scale and pick a value that’s developed enough? Do you have a committee where they just say “yeah, looks kinda young to me” and convict someone for child pornography?

    To be clear I’m not trying to defend these people, but it seems like trying to determine what counts legal/non-legal for fake images seems like a legal nightmare. I’m sure there are cases where this would be more clear cut (if they ai generate with a specific age, trying to do deep fakes of a specific person, etc), but a lot of it seems really murky when you try to imagine how to actually prosecute over it.

  • Other people are making good counter arguments, so I’m just going to address one bit:

    You can also look at how despite charging a 12% platform fee, Epic Games Store does not sell games 18% cheaper.

    Epic hasn’t been running their game store for very long, and they’ve been operating it at a loss to secure market share. They lose hundreds of millions of dollars a year on their store. This is mostly due to them buying exclusive rights to games, but my point is that the EGS is not a successful, self sustaining business. Epic taking a 12% cut doesn’t mean that 12% is enough money, because their whole business model is about losing money to attract users.

    You also have to remember that the storefront cut is an upfront cost with an unclear long-term cost. Valve is promising to always host the game and cover the bandwidth for every future download and update, no matter how many updates or how many times someone downloads it. Not to mention that they also will host mods, provide matchmaking, video streaming, and many other benefits.

  • My experience with them is they’re too large to be portable in any sort of convenient way, have terrible battery life, struggle to compete with desktops for performance (without spending a huge amount on the laptop), frequently have overheating issues (especially as they age), and lack the upgrade freedom of a desktop requiring you to buy a brand new laptop every few years.

    My personal experience is based on an $1850 Asus gaming laptop I had 10 years ago though, so maybe things have changed since then or other brands are better.