Gaywallet (they/it)

I’m gay

  • 28 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • Anyone’s use of a label does not invalidate your label or mean you need to adopt a new one. Hating a label because it broadly overlaps with your label is gatekeeping labels. It’s okay, however, to hate people who try to force a label on you, because that behavior isn’t ever acceptable.

    In the bi community we are constantly having this discussion over bi vs. pan vs. poly vs. omni and the answer is and always has been “these all broadly overlap but the difference is important to some”. Use the label which you like, which you feel describes you, and if someone makes an assumption well that’s on them. If your definition of the label doesn’t align with the current societal definition, that’s okay too! These are all made up words to describe abstract definitions and they are socially defined, which means they aren’t precise- they are meant to capture broad areas of overlapping micro-identities. You can always use clarifying language to explain what the label means to you, or where you sit in the spectrum of the label when it’s important to a conversation.

  • Gaywallet (they/it)
    OPtoChat@beehaw.orgOn Tone Policing
    27 days ago

    Dropping this in the chat community because I’m not sure at this point whether it warrants a formal philosophy doc. Not opposed to cleaning it up and adding it to the documents in the future, but mostly wanted to address what happened recently in LGBTQ+ and make a few things as clear as possible

  • Not a great start, been sick with the worst sore throat of my life for the past few days. Took a look at my tongue today and saw white spotting, so decided to go in to get it checked. Rapid strep negative but all the clinical indicators so I’m on antibiotics while the await the throat culture. This sickness has been kicking my ass. Hoping it’ll get resolved soon 🤞