• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I think what’s wild is that particular group’s incredible thought process of “oh yeah, the current guy is just doing a hit job on this other guy because he’s running for President. He’s sending all these various agencies after him. blah blah blah…”

    And I’m just like. Or you know, simple answer is that guy is doing crime stuff and ought not to be doing crime stuff. To really over simplify the most recent crime stuff. The crime was he wrote the wrong thing on the sheet of paper. You look at the paper, it says it’s for lawyer stuff. You look at the receipts shows the money went to hide sex stuff. Lawyer stuff ≠ hide sex stuff. Ta-da!

    And a bit more detail. The whole argument that hiding sex stuff wasn’t political money. Literally a letter between crime guy and other person handling political stuff was, we need to hide this sex stuff otherwise that could hurt us in election stuff. Like I get it that there’s some folks wanting to believe that President guy is just mad at crime guy and wants to whatever him so that President guy can stay in office. But crime guy literally admitted crime stuff in letters he thought no one else would ever read. Crime guy is not a very smart crime guy.

    I don’t like current guy, don’t get me wrong. But crime guy is an idiot. I just don’t want an idiot back as President. There’s just way too many people hitched to an idiot here and willing to go down with the ship. Crime guy is an idiot and he’s getting smacked with a lot of the crime shit he’s done because he’s an idiot. There’s not any other way to slice this. Crime guy is just not good at anything and is coasting on mom and dad money still. If anything, that Crime guy is still floating on some money is a testament to Crime guy’s book keeper.

  • There is a legal way to do this:

    New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress

    — Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1

    Nebraska and South Dakota have a compact that’s been approved by Congress that has land swap between the states based on where the river is when particular assessments happen. So land leaving one state and going to another state isn’t unheard of. If you go look at NE and SD’s border in the southeast corner of SD, you’ll see the river and the border is pretty tight. Now compare that to states that have no such compact like Arkansas and Tennessee. River and the border are all kinds of messed up.

    The thing is, both Idaho’s and Oregon’s State assembly will have to vote on it as you indicated. It’s not up to the citizens to dictate when a state’s border can be redrawn. Once Idaho and Oregon have a compact, they will need to send it to DC for Congress to vote on it. If it passes both the House and the Senate, the new compact can be enforced and the new borders drawn.

    From what I’ve heard Oregon will not even begin to entertain this notion.

    But yes, this is completely legal in the Constitution and we’ve done it before too. And we even have had the case where we took one state and split it into two happen before as well. Virginia and West Virginia. So we’ve used this part of the Constitution enough to know exactly how it needs to go down.

    Is it going to go down? IDK. California said they were going to split up into 3, 4, 5 different States, not holding my breath on that one either. Would be pretty neat to redraw Idaho though. Never liked it’s weird long edge on the west side. Now it’ll look like someone giving the middle finger or something.

  •         1 gacttgggta tctgaacctg ttacaagttt tgcatgccta ctcgaaaaga gagcactgca
           61 cattttcaaa aaactcccct tgtcgtgcaa aaaatgccgc ctatacgcat acgccgtctc
          121 aggctcgact ccgattccga cggagaagaa caagacccac tccaacccca atccgagcca
          181 caaacccatt ttccggttga aatctccgac gacgaggact tcctcgacgt cctcgacagc
          241 ctccctccgc cctctcccgc ctgtcctgtc accgacttcc tccgccgcct tggactgtca
          301 cccaagagtg actggctcac ttcctgcctc cgcgaattcc agtcctccgt tccggccttt
          361 gaacacctcg acgtcgccgc aaaagccaaa cgctgtttcg agcagtttct ctacgccgac
          421 atgaatttct gcggaagtgg catactccct cccaacgtag acgccatgca ccttaacgtt
          481 ctccccggtc cctatgtatt gcaggttgat gaaataatta atatgacttg tcctctacga
          541 ggcagatatg aaaaggcaaa tcctggaatt aaaagatgtt tgaagttatc aatgactgat
          601 ggcattcaaa gagtatttgg aatggagtat aggcccatcg aagctcttga agtttgtgcc
          661 tcttctggtt taaaggttac tatctctaat gtacatgtgc gtcgtggact tcttatgctg
          721 gtacctgaaa ccattgaaat attgggggga ttggttgagg agctggatgc tgcccgaaat
          781 cgcctggttg gagaattaaa gaagccacct agacctaggg ggagaagaac tagaaacgga
          841 gtgtttattc ctttagcgac tagagcaact cttgctgcgt ggcctccagg tggagttgat
          901 gatcttgcac gcagtggctc cacgctgcac agtactgatc ctgtacagga aaacaatcaa
          961 ggttctggcc cgagcatgtc tggcactggt aacagtaatt caatacccca catggcgtca
         1021 aatgctgatg ctatgaacat ggatatgtct agagatacca attctgtttc ccgtggtagc
         1081 tctatggcta accagctctc ttctgtcatg tcaaaggctg aggagatgca catagatgct
         1141 tctaatgtca ccagggaata ttctgttgac catcagtctt ctaatatggt ttcaaatgtt
         1201 tcagcagcat ataatgatac tgttcatata acaagagaaa gttctgtggc tactgagtgc
         1261 cctcccgttg ttgaaagtgt tgagacatac agggatagaa ctccagtagc cacagatagt
         1321 tctcatccac gaagaacctc ttccactgtt agggaatatt ctgttgacaa tcggttttct
         1381 aacatggttt caaatgtttc agtggtgcat aatgacactg ttcatataac aagggaaagt
         1441 tctgcaacta ctgagtgccc tcctgttgtt gaaaatgttg agacatacag agatagaact
         1501 ccagcagcca ctgatagttc tcatccacga agagcctctt cctctgtttt aaacaccagc
         1561 gatgtcgaga tgggtgatgc cagtgaccat ccactcatac tgtctggaga ccaagaggtc
         1621 ccgttcacat acatggctag tttgtcagcc aagtgggcta aaatgaaaga ggaagctcct
         1681 gcaattcggg gtaaaatcaa gtgctttttg actggtgtaa aaggattccg gtacaagaag
         1741 aggacatcat atgagcttca ggcatatgta gacgatggta gccttatttc tgaaatcctc
         1801 attgatcatg atgttgtaca gaaaggaatt ggtttttctc ctgaggaggt aactgcggcc
         1861 atttcttctc ctgacacgaa aactgtccaa caaatgaggg atacaatgca taaatttcaa
         1921 gcatttttag caaactttga gggaataatt cttgtggaat taaataaaaa atcttccctt
         1981 ccacttgccc tagagatgag tcaaggctgt cctcaatctg atgcacggtt acttctgaga
         2041 aggctgaagt ctcttaaccc tccacaagtt caaaaaccta cggatccaat tgaattatcc

    If you will note ggatatgtct agagatacca you can see guy is genetically unable to feel shame.