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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I hate both parties, but I understand what the rules of this shitty game are.

    I’m am not living in a fantasy world where doing what feels the most like “sticking it to the man” (but is just an excuse to be lazy and ineffective rather than doing something hard like volunteering to help the campaign of whoever is most closely aligned with my positions in order to push them more toward the future I want) is what results in the most tangible benefit to my interests overall as a voter.

  • Name a time when any third-party candidate won the presidency please go ahead. I’ll wait.

    And if you can’t come up with one of those name me a time when a third-party candidate resulted in the party changing its actions the next time around for the better…

    And if you can’t come up with anything for either of those, then what evidence do you have to prove voting 3rd party would help further accomplish?

    It fucking sucks and isn’t fair but it doesn’t change reality.

    Reality shows that if you vote for third-party, you make the worse candidate win.

    Hillary lost in 2016 arguably because the DNC fucked over Bernie. And what did they do in 2020? Fuck over Bernie harder. They don’t “learn their lesson” or change their behavior for the better.

    If you want good people to win, you’re only option is to fight harder during the primaries and to protest and to run for office yourself… not give the ol’ 🖕🏻 only to have the helicopter blade reduce it to a bloody stump moments after you initially excitedly raised it to the sky to say “fuck you” to the people who won’t even look back while you’re lifting it up.

  • As long as the US has a two-party system where the third-party mechanically ONLY acts as a spoiler candidate - see Ross Perot for Bush in 92, Nader, Stein, whoever you want to fucking name… whichever THAT 3rd party candidate is most closely aligned with are the ones that get screwed the most.

    Voting third-party is about as stupid a fucking thing you can do outside of not voting at all.

    Voting third-party is the worst kind of dipshit gesture - like raising your middle finger to flip someone off while a helicopter blade is spinning inches above you. Voting 3rd party means you effectively give another vote to the candidate you want the least.

    If the US had ranked-choice voting, then voting for a 3rd party would make sense, but both parties know that this helps them stay in power and so as long as they keep it the way it is, our ONLY choice with a demonstrably positive outcome of any kind is to try and fight super fucking hard in the primaries and hope to God that we can squeeze someone through before dark corporate PAC money missiles or the ring-leaders in the DNC recognize what they are before being able to stop them.

    It’s how we got AOC, and a few others from the squad… and it’s how we were even able to see Bernie get to push Biden just a TINY bit more left than Biden would have been otherwise.

    If you want to tell them to fuck off… then show up and volunteer and phone bank and knock on doors for the best candidates you can find DURING THE PRIMARIES.

    If someone really awesome makes it through to the general… then great!

    But if they don’t, hopefully they were strong enough presence (thanks to brave volunteer supporters who wanted to say “fuck you” to the shitty party leaders) to force the right-leaning Democratic members to lean a little bit more leftward than they otherwise would have been (like Bernie helped make Biden do… as much as he could).

  • They sabatoged him in 2016, too… 2020 they had learned how to just do it better.

    Right before Super Tuesday they got scared the DNC types made calls and then it was over.

    The neo-liberals who took over the party completely after Reagan would rather lose to Trump than let Sanders, or Warren, or AOC, or anyone else who’d actually even slightly joke at the possibility of forcing the billionaire class to finally start contributing instead of leeching.

    I will vote for Biden, just like I did in 2020, and Hillary in 2016… but they won’t change and if they lose they just blame the left anyway.

  • FDR threw 200,000 Americans into concentration camps.

    Yep… Congrats, Captain Obvious. Guess what? All presidents are shitty. He also helped us push to start building “the bomb” after Pearl Harbor.

    • Truman helped pass the Marshal Plan to rebuild all of Europe… but also dropped those 2 atomic bombs on civilian cities, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians.
    • LBJ got us in to Vietnam proper. But he also pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act.
    • Obama passed the Affordable Healthcare Act, but increased drone strikes 10-fold.
    • Eisenhower gave us the Interstate Highway, but went along with anti-left coups all over South America (lots of the other presidents also did this sort of stuff, too, unfortunately)
    • FDR passed social security, helped get us out of the Great Depression, passed the GI bill, made electricity accessible to rural areas, gave us the Warren court - AKA the only non-conservative Supreme court in the last 100 years (Miranda rights, Brown v Board of education, right to attorney even if you can’t afford it, etc.)

    So I count FDR on the RELATIVE (not absolute) “good” side of US presidents… who are all shitty overall to lesser degrees at best.

  • The non-cynic answer : she’s not charismatic. She’s not a genuine person. She memorizes talking points and is pretty terrible at everything else. There are several baggage issues related to her past politically that poison her for the left. Namely her time as a prosecutor in CA.

    The cynical answer : there are too many old stupid racists + misogynists for her mediocrity as an orator (do NOT compare her to Obama - who was a master orator) to overcome.

    Seriously, Gretchen Whitmer is probably the best alternative the DNC would be willing to entertain (I’d prefer an AOC or even my man Bernie - since although he IS old, his brain hasn’t turned to lukewarm cat shit like Biden’s seemed to be on display today)… but they’ll probably instead desperately try to pivot too late to Newsom since he’s a neoliberal wolf in progressive sheep’s clothing… like Obama was.

  • Smug rich beltway liberals completely detached from reality now get to feel stupid for a second and bewildered as they try to pivot to blaming this again somehow on “tHe LeFt!” (Aka mild social democrats everywhere else in the world)… but otherwise they think they’ll be okay, regardless of if a D or R is in charge (since they STILL don’t take the threat of Trump and the far right rising everywhere) since at least they didn’t let some filthy FDR-type who might DARE to raise their taxes by like 0.5% after 6 years or whatever… like Bernie or Warren or Whitmer or Bowman or AOC even get to compete for the primary nomination.

    They have doomed the rest of us… and possibly themselves depending now on how successful “Project 2025” is at completely permafucking us all back into the dark ages as the world burns hotter every fucking month.

    I still can’t believe that 3 years after January 6th - where they fucking saw some of those goons with fucking ZIP ties - they think they won’t put be up against the bloody poles by mobs whipped up into a frothing frenzy by their demagogue-emperor god.