• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • It doesn’t disqualify him, it just lowers the bar for Trump

    This is the real takeaway. We’ve reached a point where we’re not even sure either one can stay awake during important meetings.

    See? Shoulda went with Bernie Sanders. He may be just as old, but he’s too angry to rest. He sees the injustices of the world, and he’s been barking about them since the 60s. Getting arrested for his causes.

    I’m not saying Biden isn’t sincere, but Sanders is so sincere that he’s passionately angry at the system. The only thing that disqualifies him in my eyes is his age…but fuck, if these are our only other two options, it’s not much of a disqualification, is it? Biden gets confused halfway through his thought process that he moves over to another thought process midsentence. And Trump doesn’t even start the sentence with a coherent thought process.

    So…uhhhh…guess we’re all just fucked?

  • He doesn’t affect me at all. I heard of him once about 5 years ago…and then I forgot he existed until this development.

    trump doesn’t affect me either…but he’s shoved into my face every minute of every day. And there’s no stopping it. Even if some nutjob killed him, he would STILL be in the news about why he was killed. Nobody talks about Lyndon Johnson, but everybody talks about JFK. Nobody talks about Andrew Johnson, but everybody remembers Lincoln.

    Point is, there is no escaping it. At least with dr disrespect, you can just move on from that ONE post, and your day will be free of him for the rest of your day. Not so with trump.

  • I don’t think speed is the thing we need to concentrate on anymore. You could have this country spanning convayer belt essentially, and power it all with solar. Thereby reducing pollution by a HUGE amount within Japan.

    And hopefully other European countries will follow. Then we’d have to deal with the beast that is North America. Large sprawling land, both in Canada, and America. Especially America would be difficult. Canada probably has an entire unused northern half. Whereas America doesn’t really have much unused open space in the eastern half. And it’s just sooooooo big.

    I have zero faith this will ever come to America. Too much politics. Too much zoning issues. Too much distance.

    But it should work great in Japan and Europe.

  • Nobody was ever defending them, or the conditions they’re put in. But there’s a difference between something like an actual concentration camp, which sole purpose is to kill ALL that come into it, and something like the modern day holding prisons along the mexican border.

    The purpose of those prisons along the border is to dehumanize people, torture them, beat them, and then release them. That is the intended purpose by those that built them. Some people die in those conditions. It is not the intent, but it does happen.

    Nobody is argueing that we’re in favor of these prisons. Yes they are awful. They DO kill thousands each year. Nobody is defending that.

    I’m just saying in this world both the left and the right are taking the most extreme version of events, try to pass them off as reality, and then wonder why the other side sees them as insane.

    Conceptually speaking, an actual concentration camp intentionally kills in less than a half hour what these holding prisons kill in a year. Millions of Jews died in just over 4 years. Something like 40% of their total population at the time. Meanwhile, you could add up 30 years of the border prisons, and they maybe have killed 1% of the population.

    I would love to see an easier legal way for mexicans to come to America. I’ve heard the average wait for the legal process to work is 28 years. I’d rather they just fill out some forms, prove that they know the country and can speak passable english, and stamp their entry card. But until that happens, they’re going to try to cross the boarder illegally because it’s their only option.

    The only way to remove those prisons, is to basically gut this entire country, and rebuild the culture. We need the culture we were taught exists as kids in school. The America that has not only tolerance, but embracement for other races and peoples. The melting pot of oppertunity is how I was taught this country behaved. Instead I’ve seen racism so thick that a white woman yelled at a native american woman to go back to her country without a hint of irony.

    But all of this happens, because half this country WANTS it to happen. And why? Because they’re fed batshit insane stories by their media that tells them we’re all insane for wanting mexicans to become citizens. Then they see you saying that a holding prison is the same as what happens at concentration camps, and it adds to the legitimacy that their opposing side is insane.

    Well the thing about lying and manipulation is, the big lie relies on credibility. If I tell you 5 small truths that you already know, and they reinforce your beliefs, then I can tell you a medium lie, and it’s believable. Because if I have a history of telling the truth, then I’ve developed trust with you that you can believe me when I say something you’re not sure of. You don’t know if that medium lie is true or not, but I’ve never steered you wrong before. So even if the medium lie isn’t true, you see it as an inaccuracy rather than a lie.

    So these right wing news outlets sprinkle just enough truth, mixed in with reenforcing their own already set opinions that now they can tell small lies all day, and their base won’t even question them. Because they see them as a credible source.

    But then they see you saying that a holding cell with inhuman conditions is the same as actual concentration camps, and it becomes very easy for them to see you as insane. Therefore you must be lying, because their news source said you’re lying. So the conditions must not be that bad. And that becomes the narrative. One side vs an opposing side, because both sides are drifting farther and farther apart. Unable to see eye to eye. Both sides acting insane. Neither side willing to comprimise.

    And welcome to the modern day. Where reality doesn’t matter as long as corporate interests pay less taxes, and pay less wages. So we ALL suffer.