• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • NarrativeBear@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldUrban Microcars
    23 days ago

    I personally saw almost all these models in Amsterdam and Belgium this year. They are pretty great addition to existing solutions like trams, metros, busses, and cycling.

    No reason to need to have a 4 seat car when most of the time you may be the only person in the vehicle. Would be cool if we could find these in North America more easily. I do find our personal vehicles are becoming too large causing more sprawl and larger parking lots, which in turn nesesitates car dependency when everything is so far apart because of our vehicle infrastructure.

    ie. When was the last time you walked across a Wallmart parking lot plaza to go to the store on the other side? Its usually quicker (and safer) to drive…

  • The phrase “Starter homes” no longer exists IMO. The homes that used to be starter homes are really way out priced and no longer really being built.

    Instead this phrase is more along the lines of “starter condo”. Developer’s are only really building single family homes now (in north America) or large condo towers. One is for families and the other for singles/couples or investors. Most condos in a 3-4 bedroom range as well are nonexistence or priced higher then a single family home.

    Things like fire codes and parking minimums are really causing this IMO. Most cities and towns are talking about the “missing middle”. These are homes placed between highrise condos and single family homes, such as four plexes, low rise developments and laneways. There are a few other examples as well.

    Unfortunately developers can’t build these, not because of week demand, but because things such as parking requirements and fire code restrictions really make these developments not financially feasible for developers, plus cities can choose to shoot down any proposals or permits which adds to the cost. (Better to build whats know and tried)

  • Plastic does deteriorat or disintegrat, but it only does so into smaller and smaller pieces of its self.

    Things like a plastic bottle will break into smaller parts of the bottle and linger around for hundreds or thousands of years but the bottle “shape” will not be recognised in this sense.

    Unfortunately plastics like organic materials don’t breakdown and get absorbed the same way back into nature. Our streets would look a lot cleaner IMO if all our litter broke down quicker. Ie less plastic rappers flying around and chip bags.

    Fun fact, when we freeze a bottle of water it too slowly deteriorates and disintegrates. That plastic is then transferred into the water contained in the bottle. Doing this multiple times can show the wear and tear overtime.

    Even at microscopic levels things like toothbrushes brissle do show signs of wear and tear, as all products do.

    My example of toothbrushes is more on how interwoven our plastic dependency is in our day to day lives. We may be ingesting plastics without even realistically knowing where from.

    For example in our foods. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/22/health/plastics-food-wellness-scn/index.html#:~:text=Apples and carrots were the,also the least contaminated vegetable.

    “People don’t think of plastics as shedding but they do,”

    “In almost the same way we’re constantly shedding skin cells, plastics are constantly shedding little bits that break off, such as when you open that plastic container for your store-bought salad or a cheese that’s wrapped in plastic.”

  • Examples like these show its never to late to shift a city from a “car centric” design to a pedestrian focused design, with bus, tram, light rail, or subway routes.

    Cities should be designed for people first, as opposed to cars first.

    Pedestrian cities are also in a way cheaper in terms cost & mantinace of infrastructure, such as less traffic lights to maintain. Traffic lights are by far the biggest money sink for a financially struggling city, not to mention large parking lots that provides no return on investment.

  • Unfortunately this could be the case and the cynic in me feels this could be a green washing scheme like you said.

    But hopefully with what some cities are doing now with charging the full economic and social cost of blue & black bin programs to companies and manufactures this could start having a real good impact.

    Specially since most manufactures shift the cost of recycling and trash to communities and tax payers. Instead this cost should be internalised by the manufacturer and retailer.

    Hopefully this kind of shift promotes better sustainable packaging, and prevents things like planed obsolescence and fast fashion.