I quickly read through the article to check if anyone at Ubisoft Montreal or Quebec were being laid off… Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was one of the most amazing games I’ve ever played. Those devs are bloody brilliant. Luckily it seems not.
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
I quickly read through the article to check if anyone at Ubisoft Montreal or Quebec were being laid off… Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was one of the most amazing games I’ve ever played. Those devs are bloody brilliant. Luckily it seems not.
To be honest, I hadn’t even noticed that I was commenting in the “Fuck Cars” group cos I just responded to something that popped up in my feed. I’m not about trying to be disruptive in someone else’s house. I was going for humor more than anything. Sorry.
You mean you CAN smash on a bus?? Outstanding :)
Walking: Can’t cover large distances quickly. Not sure why that’s even included in this?
Bus: Pollution source whether it carries passengers or not. No service in rural areas. 1 crash = 69 people injured. Pathogen hotbox. You can’t smash in one.
Bicycle: 1 thunderstorm = misery. Limited range and can’t travel on motorways/freeways.
Car: Only pollutes when you use it. Goes anywhere you want 24/7/365. You can definitely smash in one. Carries big things like a trolley full of groceries or IKEA furniture.
E-Cars etc.: All the benefits of the car plus no pollution. Huge smugness boost.
For me it’s coffee + environment. If I’m just at home chilling then the effect of drinking coffee is very mild. If I’m at a business networking event, for example, it can really trigger my hyper behaviours. I get extremely enthusiastic, creative and happy.
By the way, one of these business networking meetings I go to is exclusively for business owners with ADHD and I can’t tell you how much fun that is!
It’s basically 15 people happily talking over each other and not taking it personally and 5 or 6 who didn’t turn up because they thought it was another day. We have one neurotypical person there to try and tether the ballons that we are down into some sort of coherent group but it is wonderfully chaotic :)
Played this from the day it came out in early access. Went off it because reasons. Had a quick look just now and oh my God… It’s a completely different game and it looks awesome. Had to stop playing so I can block out some proper time to dive into into. Honestly it just looks so good… :)