Yes, that Sasha 🍉

Non-binary 🏳️‍⚧️⬛🟪⬜🟨🏳️‍⚧️

Definitely an anarchist, and an egalitarian

If you’re an Aussie:

If you eat food:

And if you live on Earth:

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • I don’t have any written recipes I’m afraid, I’ve been making them up as I go.

    I usually use that combination for a ramen base. I used dried shitake and soak them in a ton of water overnight in the fridge. The dried shitake are honestly kinda inedible even after being rehydrated so I don’t always use them afterwards. I should also soak Kombu but I keep forgetting to buy it.

    If you mix that broth with the right amount of miso paste then you’ll get the amazing combination of msg and nucleotides that gives you some amazing flavours. Soy sauce helps too, some garlic, ginger and sesame oil make it perfect.

    Good luck working out ratios because I just guess everytime based on the size of my bowls 😅

  • That’s certainly the hope, but I don’t think that’s the way it’s going so far. The little I’ve read about it suggests it’s going to use a considerable amount of energy, there’s probably going to be a lot of research on the environmental impact. Other considerations include water usage, raw materials and waste, and at this stage it’s too early to say what those are going to be like.

    I’m honestly not keen on just hoping it’ll work out, especially when capitalism is involved. It’ll be great if it does and I’m legitimately hoping for that, but there isn’t a great track record with this kind of stuff. Especially with the meat industry basically funding laws to stop it from being available in the first place.

    I guess I’m worried about it being another failed magic bullet, and I’m just sitting here completely fine without it.

  • Fake meat has more of an appeal to me than lab grown meat, or it used to. It was kinda interesting when they were unique flavours marketed as alternatives rather than accurate immitations.

    Honestly the food science is one of my favourite things about being vegan, I can cook way more interesting meals than I could as a carnist because I’d just use meat as the main flavour which works but it’s kinda lazy. Let me make something with a little miso and shitake broth and you’ll be in love

  • It’s a lot of effort to solve an issue that’s already solved by being vegan so eh, I’m pretty indifferent to it at least at face value. If it can compete with a vegan diet in terms of climate and ecosystem impact then I’ll support it but I’ve no interest in it personally. I don’t really have any justification for not being interested, I’m just not.

    I’d be much more interested in seeing artificial cheese made from proteins created by yeast or bacteria tbh.

  • I can absolutely sympathise, I’ve got a bunch of medical issues and only began my transition journey recently, well past puberty. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done, the only goal I’d say you should ever have for your transition, is to be happy.

    Also, it’s useful to keep in mind that there are many ways of affirming your gender other than medical stuff, though I’ll admit the medical transition has been the best for me.

    I kinda have the opposite experience of gender, I feel equally comfortable as being boy and girl though generally prefer a mix at most times. It’s so cool to me how differently we can experience these sorts of things

  • No, that’s not the case at all.

    If you fall into a black hole, you can do no experiment to detect the horizon, it’s a completely unremarkable region of space to you. Infinite gravity is only really a thing at the singularity, but that’s almost definitely just because our theoretical models breakdown and stop giving accurate descriptions of reality there.

    The stretching is just because of tidal forces, which means that gravity gets so much stronger closer to the black hole that your feet are pulled harder than your head, you experience the same thing standing on earth, it’s just that the change in gravity is basically negligible here.

    Source: Was a black hole physicist for a while

    Small edit: Tidal forces stretch you in the exact same way that they stretch the ocean, thus creating ocean tides.