10 € say there’s a dead baby inside.
10 € say there’s a dead baby inside.
It happened closer to the construction of the Great Pyramids than to today.
Oh shit. I hope we on Lemmy can still have our little thing. It would be kinda lonely without Americans…
grass to take the edge off the day
At this point, he’s been awake for 3 hours.
Yes. I’ve already started replacing everything I can with Europe- or Japan- or Korea-made stuff. We have to learn to be self-sufficient and vigilant. Latest was my decision to ditch stability.ai, which is anyway the most horrendous collection of dark patterns I’ve ever seen, with dezgo.com , which is French and as transparent as can be.
He does have a very Hans-off approach to writing music.
Want them to drop their masks? Just tell them there’s a new pandemic.
The US has military installations in 55 countries, I’m afraid that very soon, they’ll turn on the people they promised to “protect.” Total global shakedown. Just like the American oligarchy will have no qualms about further dismantling public infrastructure and driving wages and living conditions of their own populace down into bare survival mode if it means they can become trillionaires. Plus, poor and desperate people make good soldiers.
Konqueror, IIRC, will show you “virtual” MP3s & FLACs, complete with file sizes and all, when you put in an audio CD. You can copy these files to your hard disk. They are created on the fly, though.
Smegma, des schmeckt’ma.
What comes out of that animal on the photo doesn’t look to different from what went in. So my guess is, you’ll just get ordinary beans mixed with some civet intestine lining and stomach acid and whatever else they ate during that time.
Somewhere I’ve read that it takes at least 45 minutes to mentally detach from work. For me, that usually just means having different thoughts, but to stop all thoughts, I’ll have to exercise my body rather furiously.
It’s become a product. You can still discuss anything on Reddit unless it diminishes the value of the product. E.g. in a thread discussing the merits of Hyundai or Coca-Cola or whatever, which I’m sure will be totally organic and not paid-for and bot-bum-rushed at all, any negative comment about these brands will get you buried at -6 or below within mere minutes.
Right? Way too often, I see some really interesting comments sitting at 0 or -1, and some still somewhat interesting and/ or arguably good-faith comments have something like -50 because they go against the current direction of the herd. I usually upvote at least the former, but for the latter, it’s not going to matter much, unfortunately.
Furthermore, some mods get way too personally invested and take an obvious disliking to you so everything you contribute will be pushed to the bottom of the stack anyways.
Wie Sie sehen, sehen Sie nichts.
Some drink to remember, some drink to forget.
Especially after the Euro 2024.
Good for Perl diving, I guess.