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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • Warl0k3@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldcompanionship
    9 hours ago

    Idk, my dogs always LOVED doing weird new shit like this with us. While I never took them scuba diving, they hit stratospheric levels of freakout and try to come in and rescue us the one time we left them where they could see us (on shore at a public lake) and waded into the water to dive. They probably would have been psyched to get to come with us after the first few seconds of freak-out.

    But they loved trampolines, indoor skydiving, longboarding, diving (as in from a diving board), eating drywall and sneaking into our neighbors houses to try and steal their food.

    RIP Pheobe and Godog, you were absolute terrors.

  • Warl0k3@lemmy.worldtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    9 days ago

    As generally used, “overhead” doesn’t address the topic with a degree of granularity that takes the difficulty of preparation into account. It simply means the operating expenses associated with the business - wages, facilities and utilities are by far the three largest aspects, raw materials, consumables and related equipment costs are (depending on the industry) anywhere from a minor line item to little more than a rounding error. This is true for essentially every industry you care to name (I actually can’t think of an exception. Maybe NFTs or some related crypto nonsense? Though even those famously have to factor in utilities).

    TL;GTTP: The type of food you’re preparing matters comically less than where your restaurant is located and the size of your staff.

  • Warl0k3@lemmy.worldtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    9 days ago

    Sorry but… no, my point absolutely stands. I’m just pulling my data from HappyCow and TripAdvisor, but Jamaica has way more than thirty vegan restaurants. 141 that have enough of an internet presence that I can find them before this hangover forced me to stop looking. Happycow has an extremely convenient breakdown by area, too, which shows the regional concentration of veggie/vegan restaurants. And, if you do the math, ~90% of them are in high population density coastal towns with heavily tourism-dependent economies, which is what I’d expect to find (I didn’t control for the obvious potential sampling bias, but it’s a small enough country we can probably assume we’re working with a population here). “Specialty” restaurants, which category unfortunately vegan/veggie venues fall into in the western meme, are even more at risk of failing than the average due to the restricted market appeal, and so require a larger population (and economic base) to support them.

    I feel like my comment has touched a nerve with people due to my own inelegance while stating my point. I’m not saying that eating morally has a fee associated with it, I’m well aware of how much cheaper it can be to eat a veggie-heavy or full vegan diet. I am saying that dining out has fees associated with it, and that the cost of dining out has very little to do with the price of the ingredients (even for perceived ‘luxury’ meals like in steakhouses or hotpot) and almost everything to do with the operational overhead of running a restaurant (wages, facilities, utilities). Vegetarian dishes at mixed meat/veggie locations are a ‘money maker’ for the restaurant, because those dishes can be priced similarly to more-expensive ones but cost less to produce. But even that expanded profit margin is always going to be a much smaller percentage than the base cost of the meal, which is defined by the aforesaid overhead.

    I’m quite sorry that I didn’t make that clearer in my initial drunken 3am comment!

    Happycow breakdown

  • Warl0k3@lemmy.worldtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    9 days ago

    Overhead, really. The margins on restaurants are knife-edge thin already. Most of the cost of a meal goes to wages, rent, utilities and then the tiny sliver left over goes to ingredients and profit. Any savings from cooking all veg meals is thus completely absorbed by the losses from having such a smaller market, thus prices have to go up to make up the shortfall. It helps that most people are willing to shell out a little more to support their principles, though the cost is why you never see vegan restaurants in poor areas - people can’t afford the fee to eat morally.

    capitalism: it sucks!