Sometimes accelerationism is the least bad option.
Sometimes accelerationism is the least bad option.
Accused of sexual assault
Isn’t that a prerequisite for a position in the Trump autocracy?
Krugman has been odd lately.
After spending decades slavishly carrying water for the moneyed class, he’s been on a notable anti-Trump lately.
Which implies two possibilities - either he’s finally developed some principles and integrity at this late date, which is unlikely, or the moneyed class support for Trump isn’t quite as universal as the broligarch stranglehold on social media has made it appear…
Well, like, to me, my thing is… a video image is much more powerful and useful than an actual event.
Like back when I used to go out, when I was last out, I was walking down the street and this guy came barrelling out of a bar - fell right in front of me and he had a knife right in his back - landed right on the ground.
And I have no reference to it now. I can’t refer back to it. I can’t press rewind. I can’t put it on pause. I can’t put it on slo-mo and see all the little details.
And the blood, it was all wrong. It didn’t look like blood. The hue was off and I couldn’t adjust the hue. I was seeing it for real, but it just wasn’t right.
There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy.
I wonder if he’ll be thinking about the irony of having said that when Trump is in office, democracy is dead and he’s plummeting 20 floors to his death after one of Trump’s operatives has thrown him out a window.
I’m with him 100% on the first bit - at this point, the single most important thing the Dems have to do is stop bickering.
As for the rest, at this point I don’t even much care. I can see arguments both for and against in both directions - either choice is going to involve some risk but either choice can be made to succeed.
So the important thing, and really the ONLY important thing, is to pick one and run with it. Stop with the dilly-dallying and the second-guessing and the bitching and moaning and hand-wringing and make a choice and stick with it, so we can focus ALL of our attention on pounding those fucking fascist traitors’ dicks into the dirt.
And some people recognize that it’s not a matter of if the world burns, but merely of when, and believe that sooner is less bad than later.