It’s anti vax and anti regulation so basically a maga wet dream. Squeeze cow, milk, ta da. In reality to the other 3/4 of humanity it’s a microbial breeding ground for unfiltered mutations and diseases because you’re just trusting the entire food chain leading up to the cow has been healthy and unmutated.
Pasteurized milk goes through a process where you filter out unwanted microbes or unsafe mutations before bottling the milk. It’s like boiling water before drinking vs drinking from a puddle.
The truth is that the south has perfected the art of double speak and gets away with saying horrid dog whistles for 40+ years and then blushes and puts their finger on their chin and goes “whoooo, meeee?” when it’s called out for what it is in plain English. “I wouldn’t feel responsible if anything happened to Fauchi” while simultaneously calling him evil the devil wicked china virus and then removing a security detail. But because Trump didn’t explicitly say “I hope harm comes to Fauchi and you should get him” it doesn’t count. It’s bullshit and everyone knows it.
One political party has played by the rules while the other rewrites their language and erodes their purpose and claims that party 1 doesn’t play by the rules enough. Moving goalposts.
Democrats will always fight over the rules while Republicans are busy changing the game and watching everyone catch up too late.