It depends on if you can feasibly implement compatibility layers for large parts of the “required” but very work-intensive drivers. FreeBSD has the same driver struggles and ended up with LinuxKPI to support AMD/Intel GPUs. I know there’s a whole bunch of toy kernels that implemented compatibility layers for parts of Linux in some fashion too.
It’s a ton of work overall but there’s room to lift enough already existing stuff from Linux to get the ball rolling.
Aside from all of the problems with the game itself, I think they must’ve had one of the most unfortunate launch moments. Hero shooters had been pretty much on the downturn and then just before they launched, Deadlock went public and suckered quite a lot of the hero shooter audience into playing a full-on MOBA/FPS hybrid. And Deadlock is very quietly breaking all kinds of silly records for what’s technically an invite-only alpha (currently #8 on Steam’s most played with 137k concurrent players).