You’re going to have to roll that date waaayyyy back.
You’re going to have to roll that date waaayyyy back.
Is… is there a mod for Skyrim like that?
The good ones don’t even use the same time interval each time. They’re all over a minute or two, but sometimes like 5 or 6 minutes. They’re truly diabolical.
Hey dude. I’m glad you made this post. Suicidal ideation is a big fucking deal, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If there is any possible way to pull it off, I highly recommend seeking help like the other comments mention. Not just for the depression, but for the ADHD. Are you treating the ADHD? Do you have a formal diagnosis? I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 39… and it was a fucking game changer when I started treating it.
You said you’re still living with your parents. I would presume that your relationship with them is decent then? If you’re 29 and they’re letting you live at home (even if they charge some sort of rent), they are likely concerned for your wellbeing regardless of the state of the relationship. It’s completely ok to lean on them for emotional support. Nobody gets through life without a support system of some kind. Literally no one makes it without help somewhere along the way from someone. I’d be willing to bet your parents are dying to help you right now even if they don’t know how.
The thing with suicide is it’s permanent. Everyone knows that intellectually, but sometimes the need to stop the pain overwhelms the finality of it all. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And once it’s done, there is no going back. And what makes this bad situation worse is that your loved ones will be left to pick up the pieces. My partner had someone very close to her commit suicide about 14 years ago. She has been saddled with severe PTSD from that and will have to carry it with her for the rest of her life. I don’t mention this to make you feel worse or make you feel bad for being suicidal, but to try to hit home that we don’t live our lives in isolation, and our actions have consequences for those around us.
Now the school thing? Don’t sweat it. School isn’t for everyone. Sometimes in life we try to force ourselves into boxes other people construct for us (or boxes we think other people have constructed for us). The fact of the matter is that we get to fashion the yardstick our success is measured with. So you’re 29 years old, haven’t finished college, work at Walmart, and live at home with your parents. So fucking what? That’s what the situation is. You’re probably not happy about it, but there might be reasons why school isn’t working that are greater than simply ADHD. Maybe you were studying the wrong thing. Maybe college isn’t what you need to be doing. There are more and more fields out there that can earn a decent living without a college degree. Work at Walmart and hate it? Look into a job at Lowe’s. Retail sucks… maybe look into a job at some local distribution center for some big business (I can think of two different regional distribution centers for different companies where I live…). My point is, if it’s not working, consider a different path. Talk about this with your parents too. If they can’t help a whole bunch with the mental heath bit (regardless of how much they might want to), they will probably be much more able to help in this realm if by no other way than ideas for alternative pathways.
Anyway… I hope things improve for you dude. You’ll be in my thoughts.
No, I think it’s a horrific policy. But constant messaging that Harris is bad because she’s going to continue the Biden administration Israel policies without also pointing out that the current alternative is just as bad or worse on this exact issue might help convince some fence sitters that Trump might be a better choice.
You do realize it won’t be any different if her opponent is elected, right?
And his base will love him all the more for it.
More Americans disapprove of Israel’s military action in Gaza than approve, and their opinions of Netanyahu are also negative on balance. Republicans remain much more likely than Democrats and independents to approve of Israel’s military action and to view Netanyahu favorably, consistent with the party groups’ broader opinions of Israel and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With a possible cease-fire deal and Netanyahu’s U.S. visit looming, Americans’ views of Israel and its leader could shift again in the coming weeks.
These articles aren’t exactly the most recent, but illustrate that this isn’t a problem unique to Harris or the Biden administration.
He kind of has to be at this point. Most if not all states require the candidates to be finalized by a certain date.
Before too long, they’ll be locked in unless they just want to not run a ticket…
Omfg, is that what he’s saying? He’s misunderstanding people seeking asylum and people from insane asylums?
This is why sycophancy is so dangerous…
Because fuck ‘em, that’s why!
How would one theoretically go about helping Disney create multiple dislocated backups of their best movies and tv shows in case their server breaks and we lose Pocahontas 2 forever?
That… was a fucking read. I couldn’t get through it. The mental gymnastics some folks perform…
Thanks for sharing.
God damn dude… sorry to hear that. Sincerest condolences.
I really hope you’ve been able to find some peace and solace since then.
I can dig it… totally legit reason.
My suburban life is showing…
May I ask why? Legit question. I still occasionally see folks masking and such in my area, but the vast majority of people have gone back to pre-pandemic behaviors. Cases still pop up here and there but most folks treat it like flu… if you get sick, stay home until you’re better.
If you’ve got an immune issue, I get it. But otherwise, why bother?
That’s the difference. They held him to account in front of a camera in a way CNN hasn’t before. They didn’t treat him like a normal person.
Second, they need to strip out anything not related to climate change.
Then it goes nowhere. It’s just more political posturing. Absolutely 100% entirely dead in the water. The Senate and House are both so split down the middle by both parties, it’ll require bipartisan support. It necessarily will have to have riders associated, otherwise it won’t receive the support it needs.
Yes… this is exactly how wasteful legislation gets passed, but it’s entirely outside the realm of possibility in the real world
I’m not sure I want to be on this Golden Path
I agree with the whole experience thing, but there are tons of roles to play in and out of congress. So maybe instead of hard term limits, we do something like, no more that 4 consecutive terms for House members and 2 consecutive terms for Senators, but unlimited non-consecutive terms. That way you get some turnover but experience keeps getting built.
Idk… just spitballing