Necessary but evil. My workplace had a million headaches implementing an email-based 2fa system. So many automatic services blocking our emails, so many people who are tech illiterate who cannot understand 2fa, and all of their calls got sent to me and my team despite none of us having technical support experience. However, it has massively increased the security of our site, while allowing us to finally implement a way for people to unlock their own accounts if they do have too many unsuccessful login attempts. The juice is worth the squeeze.
Not a nationalist, I find this a terrifying thought, but 100%. Unless action is actually taken in the U.S., I don’t think the West stands a chance. China is already in a much stronger position than I think many Westerners realize, they made tremendous gains during the last Trump presidency. If Trump really does cling to power for the rest of his life, I think we’ll see a world where SA, SEA, Africa and parts of Europe are all completely economically reliant on China.