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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I am not “going out of my way to play the persecuted martyr”, I opened the Lemmy home page and “post trashing vegans” was post #3. I thought I left this shit behind when I left reddit, but now it’s here too.

    Not using animal products is not exhausting. I’ve done it for a decade and it’s a remarkably easy change where 99% of the difficulty comes from the wider society being hostile to it.

    It is an ethical position based on an actual reality of animal agriculture causing vast suffering that we have chosen to opt out of supporting. It is absolutely reasonable and selfless to advocate for the rights of others at a minor, negligible personal sacrifice. It is not a sign of a need to shame others, a need to be a martyr, or any other personality defect that you’re going to project on vegans based on a stereotype despite knowing NOTHING about any of us as individuals. Nobody is trying to make you “feel ashamed”, we are pointing out objective facts about how the animal ag industry causes harm to animals, and then people like you, like you’re doing in this comment, right here, launch into this whole frigging diatribe about how vegans are shaming you and judging you and have a god complex and should just shut up and go back into their corners, because god forbid anyone should ever suggest that anything you’re doing is less than perfectly ethical.

    It’s bullshit. I don’t know what else to tell you. I’ve been living with this for years and it’s absolute bullshit. Your position is wrong, it’s not a statement about you as a person, it’s a statement you should change your behavior. We are NOT at fault for showing the truth of the matter, that’s just a reactionary and ignorant position that people use to try to rationalize what’s convenient for them.

  • Yes, this is the typical reaction people have to vegans saying ANYTHING. It is not fun for us to live our entire lives prohibited from ever being able to say what WE THINK. You clearly do not have experience being a vegan, the social reception you get for taking a perfectly reasonable stance is just open hostility that you’re not even allowed to defend yourself against. Which is on full display to anyone reading this thread.

  • No, look up individual claims, look up the inverse of the claim, weigh the presented evidence against each other.

    I.e., look up the mitigating factors here - was this an isolated case? Was it isolated to one state? Were animals from no-kill shelters dumped on the PETA-run shelter? What’s the actual funding of this shelter compared to PETA’s general operations? You know, ACTUAL THOROUGH ANALYSIS. Take the actual facts in question and put them properly in context instead of just swallowing literal animal ag industry propaganda coming out of groups like the Weston Price Foundation that have a vested interest in discrediting groups like PETA.

    It’s like every time people post something false, and you know it’s false, you can’t just let them know, they expect you to spend the next two hours of your life pulling up all the sources to show them, again and again and again and again and again and again. I’ve had this exact same conversation dozens of times, I’m sick of it. Can you not just learn how to research for yourself? Can you not post the discredited claim in the first place so we don’t have to constantly play this game? Like, do the fact checking properly in the first place?

  • There’s the approach I have to fact-check things, I don’t know what other approach people have honestly. Look up fact-checking, debunking etc. on it. I know there are dozens to hundreds of pages that fact-check the parroted “PETA euthanizes too many dogs” claim. I honestly can’t believe people are still bringing this one up, I don’t know how it could possibly be on me to start digging up sources for you.

  • Honestly, not to blame the public, but people were sitting here for the last decade going, don’t like being censored? Don’t use Google/Facebook/whatever. Don’t like being tracked across the internet? Don’t use Google/Facebook/whatever. And everyone kept using it. As for streaming services, I mean, if you don’t want monopolistic pricing power, abolish copyright/DMCA. We complain constantly about the consequences of these big corps but society keeps religiously buying shit from them or participating in their services. Just like complaining constantly about global warming but driving your car 3 miles to the store to get a 1L bottle of water. We set up these structures and put people in these positions where they can exploit you, then act surprised when they do, and we have an excuse for why we think every individual part of it needs to stay exactly the same.

    OK, maybe to blame the public a little.