Yeah, you might need some combination of fail2ban for rude AI and cloudflare caching or something.
I’m David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.
You think you saw me behind some ferns? You just might have!
Yeah, you might need some combination of fail2ban for rude AI and cloudflare caching or something.
Correct, it’s Diatomaceous earth that got wet. :)
We had a windstorm last week and one of my tomato trellises snapped, ohhh noooo! The good news is all the vines survived with minor injuries and are on a new trellis.
I’ve been getting ground cherries by the handful! Time to make jam…
We’ve been getting green beans galore, the peppers are peppering, and the corn continues to corn!
I’m very happy, as my pumpkin vines decided to grow four new gourds! Hooray! The kabocha I’m growing is also doing great, and has a couple new gourds as well! We won’t starve this winter!
The bad garden news is two out of my five cucumber vines have perished, for no real reason I can tell :(
I feel very positive about this, Mongoose seems to have done a good job with their Traveller stewardship so far.
I’ve started a bunch of mesclun to keep the Baby Greens Train rolling! The garden is providing green beans, and the torrent of tomatoes has just begun. The Shishito peppers are coming in nicely, and the ground cherries have started dropping off the plants!
I imagine Autumnal Damage would be similar to winter arriving in Bone, but with falling leaves.
The children yearn for the mines
I’m doing Kabocha and Blue Hubbard~ The hubbard squash was supposed to be a trap crop in the less controlled wildlife garden, but gourd fortune smiled on me and no pests showed up; the vine has gone nuts with 6 viable (large!) fruits on it. It’s my second year trying to grow squash, so 2 outta 3 ain’t bad!
I feel you on the pumpkins, I think I’m only getting two this year. My other two squash varieties are doing great, but there’s just two green pumpkins on the vine…and a bunch more sad ones :(
Those are some lovely blooms! Bee pics plz.
Our tomatoes are finally blushing!
The peppers are all peppering, including this CHAMP Shishito matching the pepper size of the others! You grow on now! (All the other Shishito plants are normal size)
I’ve got a decent number of Kabocha squash growing, exciting!
And a number of Hubbard squash hanging around getting big!
For some reason, most of our sunflowers didn’t come up this year. Only a few did, and they all seem to be facing away from the sun??
I’ve been trying to grow marigolds for Día de los Muertos as we always seem to get to the holiday week and have to scramble to find them. It’s going well!
There’s always room for more
Looks really cool. I’ve been working on implementing SSO through Authentik for every home lab service that supports it (Like Proxmox!) Do you think you’ll add SSO/SAML? If you do, I recommend not locking it behind the enterprise plan to encourage adoption.
Tonight's story: Every man older than OldMan.getMinimumAge() has been in perfect *unchanging* health for the last few months‽ To find out why, stay tuned! Our experts chime in to help you understand....
Congrats! Glad y’all’s teamwork paid off!
Like, even the UK.
This is literally an orphan crushing machine story. 38 dogs were heroically saved after…checks notes…they encountered disaster on a freaking FOX HUNT run by humans?!
Well, I’ve maintained my music collection from the olden days, and acquire new music as I discover I like it. I mostly have trash vaporwave tastes so I actually buy most of my music cheaply on bandcamp. My music collection isn’t massive like some peoples, but it’s a decent amount of GB. Mostly mp3, I’m not fancy enough for FLAC.
As for hosting the music, check out Navidrome. It’s a great subsonic compatible service that can run on your OS of choice. I use Symfonium on Android to access the library. It supports playlist syncing, offline caching, etc. etc.
yeah, what’s
United Fruit Company, I mean, Chiquita up to? Uh…uh oh!