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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Thanks for all the informative sources. First of all, I think you are probably right that it is a political or rather economic problem, not necessarily a scientific one. Capitalism doesn’t give any incentive to care for the environment or to recycle anything if it isn’t profitable. And politics are heavily influenced if not driven by capitalism.

    But then, seeing the various articles you provided about nuclear waste storage, I didn’t really get the impression that it is a solved problem. Sabine Hossenfelder spends a very long time talking about what nuclear waste is but only mentions problems with storage for hundreds of thousands of years for a very short time. And also Elina Charatidsou doesn’t even mention potential problems of geological changes etc. And the facility she is presenting is still in the research stage. So where are the solutions for a long-term storage that guarantees safety? Nuclear waste may not be as problematic as it is made out, but real solutions look different to me.

    Very interesting also the point about recycling nuclear waste. I haven’t even heard of it and it sounds like a really good thing to do. We’d still have very high costs handling and storing it, but only for a few hundreds of years at least. Although it seems like actually applying this is still not really planned by most countries and even then the problem of nuclear waste doesn’t go away fully.

  • Hm, on the one hand this could be survivorship bias, i.e. only a lucky few scripts in stone have made it through. If you left enough of these glass discs or other modern media in very specific conditions they might also withstand thousands/millions of years maybe?

    On the other hand, I think the amount of data and the corresponding resolution is important, too. If you’d try to store petabytes (or more) worth of data you’d have to carve really really tiny scriptures into stone unless you want mountains of stones just to save some bits of data. But the moment you scale your resolution up and your data engraving gets much smaller, you’ll also get a much more error prone, susceptible system. So even stones with tiny scriptures would certainly not be able to survive millions of years (at least the vast majority of them).

  • As far as the article goes, the word gimp isn’t necessarily seen as problematic because of its sexual reference but rather as a derogatory term for disabled people. And just because many people agree that they don’t care, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care. Democratic decisions fall flat when they deal with issues of minorities. The large majority of people doesn’t care about disabled people. So basing ethical considerations on the majority’s opinion is really no good idea. Same goes for other discriminatory language and slurs where always the same arguments are presented. I think the article does a great job of portraying the gatekeeping biases of such discussions.

  • Vielleicht noch ne Frage, die ähnlich sinnvoll wäre:

    Habt ihr auch das Gefühl, dass bei Kritik gewalttätig werdende Polizist:innen dazu führen, dass sich Polizeikritik öfter verkniffen wird als Kritik an anderen Menschen? Insofern könnte man dieses Verhalten aus Sicht der polizeilichen Institution durchaus als “erfolgreich” bewerten, auch wenn es auf den ersten Blick nicht danach aussieht, oder?

    Nur, dass es eben keinen rassistischen Grund dahinter gibt, Polizeigewalt als Angstthema aufzubauschen. Sie passiert einfach und niemand redet drüber. Dann lieber über die ganzen bösen Muslime reden! Ach, noch über 800 polizeilich gesuchte und sicherlich gewaltbereite Neonazis auf freiem Fuß? Brauchen wir nicht drüber reden, oder was?

    Dieses ganze “Islamkritik”-Thema kannst du dir echt sparen. Das ist ähnlich wie den eigenen Antisemitismus als Israelkritik zu verpacken. Bleibt aber eben rassistisch!