Of all the comments on this post, I think this most plausibly is the owner of the car
Of all the comments on this post, I think this most plausibly is the owner of the car
You don’t even seem to have a basic understanding of how city water supplies work. No amount of people shitting in the woods makes your drinking water contaminated; where the fuck do you think animals shit?
Edit: there are absolutely public health concerns to be made about human shit being around where people do things, especially non porous surfaces which don’t offer opportunities for decomposition. But that’s a problem to be solved with better public restroom coverage, even housed people will pee/shit in public when there isn’t a restroom available
As someone with a history of mental health issues who has received forced treatment by family, i beg to differ. Healing started once i got out of the social circles who were trying to force me to be not have problems and i found people who would accept me (mostly) for who i was. I am now much better, no thanks to forced help.
Healing comes with acceptance, enough acceptance will lead to the person with problems to start noticing how their issues are cause problems and then seeking help on their own becomes available.
My heart breaks over how limited the supply of patient acceptance is in society; how few people are even willing to try to demonstrate a modicum of empathy for what people with mental health issues are experiencing
It also works because they are in the minority, it counters the outsized voice brought by all the political bs. (Side note: isn’t it so weird we use an electoral college, all the other democracies have come up with more effective ways to make sure all voices are represented in government)
I didn’t realize this is how it worked, where can i pick up Mr. Vance? I have some choice words for him
Being empathetic of palastinians is not supporting hamas. The call is for a ceasefire, as in to stop the bloodshed wholesale. No reasonable person right now is or could be advocating to let hamas retaliate
Only if you have access to adequate resources