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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • And gave a bunch of “objective” news outlets a good excuse to write a bunch of “DEMS IN PANIC AFTER BIDEN’S UNFORGIVABLE SHIT SHOW” articles they are for some reason eager to write

    Corpo media want Trump, simple as. Not only do they get the tax breaks and regulation abatement for their parent companies, but the last Trump term was cocaine for news media consumption, as we were all bombarded with new disaster scenarios every week. News companies do not care about the people or “the good of the nation.” They care about line go up.

  • But why do you care about engagement with your online posts? Is your opinion that important? Or is it just your need for external validation from the faceless masses?

    I do not speak for OP, but, I mean… yeah? Now, I’m not particularly an egotist. I do not think I’m all that important. It’s more that while I come here primarily to get news, I prefer lemmy over other less interactive platforms because I can see how other people react and put my two cents in. And yes when I get interaction, I get a little dopamine hit. And really, what’s the point in social media without that element?

  • I am not saying that I agree, and I don’t, but I think the flaw in the “this is not the time” argument is that there’s very likely not going to be a good time, ever again. One of the two sucky lib parties has openly embraced fascism. The other is incompetent but means well at best, or, at worst, complacent with running out the clock.That doesn’t end with Trump. It ends when the fascists get control of the other two branches of government and upend democracy. With the way we swing back and forth between Party A and Party B, we’ve either got a few months or four years and change. I want the four years, so I’m voting for Biden, but it’s not too hard to see that some are looking at the situation and realizing that burning slowly or burning quickly isn’t much of a choice and that now is the only chance to speak up.