Thanks! Cant really find any passive ones for sale in my country and ordering online from amazon or ebay becomes quite expensive with shipping and taxes. I found a used surface pen on a local online market so I made a request for that. Thanks for letting me know about those, this stylus stuff is confusing…
Yes, i’ll be very weary of giving up the control I have through physical drives and jellyfin for some shiny new thing that will never last. Fool me once… etc. etc.
Well i am concerned about it because i am distributing it. It is my server, someone else is using it on their apple tv
true, good take
Ok thanks! The price of not really knowing how things work is apparently paranoia cries in technical illiteracy
First: compromised how?
I dont want to be receiving dmca letters (or similar where i live). So I mean having access to what is being played (the names of the files would be a dead giveaway).
Absolutely loved that game. Was so stoked for its release (i watched one of the trailers oh so many times in anticipation) and got it at launch (not very patient of me…) and was not let down at all.
Recently played through Skies of arcadia on Gamecube (emulation). Always wanted to play as a kid, but for some reason i never bought it even though i actively saved up for it at one point. Was fun but wow am i glad i emulated it, because they do NOT respect your time. Being able to use save slots and to fast forward over the long battle animations (i skipped 8 hrs of that in total…) was essential for me actually playing through it.
No luggage no worries
Same here. Maybe that explains it, all linux users just run multiple systems. I dont know many people who use linux certainly not every third person I meet.
Source: æøå
Just got a surface duo i will use for nintendo ds emulation, so when i get my new gamepad and stylus in the mail later this week i will pick up and start an old ds game i have never played. But i havent decided yet so im not really answering your question…