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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I was going to say radicalism (as a political concept) refers to the practice of looking for the root causes of society’s ills as opposed to merely fixating on (if we’re going to be charitable about it) superficial ones as reformist and reactionary politics would have us to do, and this makes radicalism an inherently left-wing thing and something reactionaries (and most of their reformist allies) will take extreme measures to prevent - including completely handing the state and it’s repressive apparatus over to reactionaries (ie, what we call fascism today).

    But you know what? This…

    Radical is just further left than reformer.

    …is, so far, the only half-way decent response I’ve ever had to this in about five year’s time - so I’m just going to leave it as is.

  • That is not what they’re saying.

    This is what they said:

    Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with. Terrorists do,

    This is not a case of somebody saying something smart but just wording it terribly. It’s no different than idots who spout “only cowards wear masks!” It’s something only somebody that has no familiarity with actual activism - ie, no familiarity with the actual stakes and risks involved in real activism work - would say.

  • The people that are desperately clinging onto the hope that this is any kind of victory needs a reality check.

    In the extremely unlikely scenario that he actually gets jail time they’ll be high-fiving him all the way in - and you better know that any parole hearing he’s going to get (which will probably be sooner rather than later) will be staffed by people who think exactly the same way he does.

    Hierarchy is the bedrock of reactionary politics - and it doesn’t get any more hierarchical than the (so-called) “justice system.”

  • Her Majesty’s Penitentiary inmate Devon Fitzpatrick says early one morning in mid-May Her Majesty’s Penitentiary inmate Devon Fitzpatrick woke up and felt something moving in Her Majesty’s Penitentiary’s crotch of Her Majesty’s Penitentiary’s pants. When he reached in, he discovered Her Majesty’s Penitentiary’s rat had given birth there.


    If they want to make it clear how thoroughly Her Majesty’s (or whatever mutant inbred blue-blooded critter they’ve got on the throne now) ownership of this person is, I say they shouldn’t be allowed to stop half-way.