Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • One of the points in my waking up to carnism was when I mentioned an interest in hunting rabbits (a so called invasive pest here) over dinner with my family as a late teen.

    My father expressed an incredible disgust at the idea of hunting, made some comment about sadists or something. The rest of my family were more reserved but similarly aghast, that I would be willing to participate in the process by which meat, which we were eating, was created represented some sort of character flaw.

    Yet at the time we had gone fishing, and I had done work experience on a farm. I volunteered at the school farm and had raised broiler chickens and helped load them onto a truck to a slaughterhouse.

    It made me realise how utterly disconnected we all were and how the people around me were utterly repulsed by the violence required for their pleasures.

    I moved out shortly after and went pescatarian largely due to the soul searching that prompted. Becoming vegan later when I realised Nirvana lied to me.

  • isn’t it just? My favourite is “While 99% of all meat comes from factory farms, no one eats that meat.”

    Not a single person I’ve ever spoken to about veganism, not at demonstrations or privately, has ever admitted to eating factory farmed meat.

    Is it all some bizarre welfare system? the butchers/supermarkets/delies just buy it from the farmers and throw it out?

  • You are literally spreading propaganda against climate protest.

    Why? Do you want to discouraged protest? Do you want to distract from the environmental vandalism of oil companies? Do you want to empower governments to pass anti protest measures?

    What is your goal here? If you are trying to recruit for an eco terrorist cell surely you’d do better psyching people up rather than ridiculing some of the most risk-comfortable protesters.

  • I’m not amazing at these games, particularly the faster ones, but I’m pretty good to the point I tend to play thematic builds or and actively eshew OP stuff because it’s funnier to kill a dragon with a dagger than a big sword.

    I think elden ring is almost flawless until after leyndell. Going from one of the best levels they’ve ever made, filled with thoughtful design to bats that 2 hit your 60 vigur build in the flat, empty snowfields is… A decision.

    It’s basically tradition that the bottom falls out of these games in the last bits. I think elden ring is just too big, even the levels with great design like elphale end up becoming tedious slog fests because there’s just nowhere for them to take it. Hey look it’s those basic soldiers, but they’re umm golden now and they hit like a truck and umm explode and uhhh 8 Royal revenants. Hmm game design!

    The broken scaling of everything means that a lot of the boss fights end up either you wombo combo them, they wombo combo you, or it’s a tedious scratch and run away event. There’s no epic genichiro or owl level toe to toe lightning duels. Even malania, a boss with absolutely stunning design, becomes dying to waterfowl dance in one/two hit/s over and over till you learn to dodge it or just snap and pull out the blasphemous greatsword and chain pancake her to death.

  • Nah this is just cope. Vegans come from all walks of life.

    Ease of doing something or degree of missing it doesn’t really tip the moral scales much when compared to the yawning abyss of horror that is farming. Plenty of us loved all the hedonistic pleasures of carnism, just once you realise what you’re doing it’s completely indefensible and change is required.