Rabbits aren’t salads, silly. They are second order salads.
Rabbits aren’t salads, silly. They are second order salads.
I really enjoyed the game until The Event. I played a few more loops and was constantly irritated at The Event getting in the way. Like, I get it. I understand that is the point. It just ruined it for me. I don’t want to race a clock when I am exploring.
Well, it certainly ain’t Jables.
She could have worked for a franchisee, too. If that was the case, a SMB owner is definitely not going to have those records after all this time
During my early adult years when I first moved out on my own and it was just me, I flipped my schedule to sleep 1700 until whenever I woke up. No alarms. Could sleep in every day because the result was “Oh no, still have many hours until work”. Would work 0700 until 1600. It was amazing. I was so awake and focused on my own stuff. Could practice piano, write poetry, work on open source code during those wee hours. Early morning work was also very productive. Afternoon work time was meh, but that was okay because of how the work was structured. Would bike into the office since it was only about 8km (5 mile) via residential streets. Do my grocery shopping at a 24hr market. Laundry room at my apartment complex was always open. It was such a magical time. Lonely, but would see friends late nights as their shifts ended or the evening was just peaking. Plus all my internet friends on IRC from all over.
What I’ve done before when I feel like I don’t have time for stuff I want to do is shift your hours a little bit to give yourself more time before work. If you take your meds first thing in the morning, you’ll get to enjoy all of that focus to yourself first, then work gets the dregs (as is proper)
Unexpected KSP is unexpected!
Many such pieces of software exist both backed by non-profit foundations, and not. Before the Linux kernel was running the world, it was primarily maintained by volunteers. Also consider the myriad of Linux distributions that don’t have corp overlords. Or pick a *BSD. Or anything you watch video content with: ffmpeg, vlc, mpv. Or even various programming languages such as ECMA Script, Python, Ruby, C, C++, etc. Hell, even Lemmy fits into this category. There literally is a whole slew of software not directly backed by money and still maintained that literally runs the world.
Not all software needs to be backed by money. Money helps, of course, and I would support a non-profit financially that is focused purely on browser development. Right now, the only game in town doing that is Ladybird. But honestly, I think building upon a firefox fork makes more sense than starting from scratch.
TIL. Super disappointing. Thanks for the additional info. I’ve changed my mind. Mozilla can just go poof completely.
Mediocre LLM slop.
Mozilla corp is trash and deserves to fail. The non-profit Mozilla however, can remain and steward Firefox and friends just fine.
Why is work so important for you? I think you’ll find that a large number of people simply go through the motions because the stakes are low and their lives outside of work are more interesting. To them, it is an exchange of labor (that isn’t valued anyway) for (not enough) money. Why push yourself at work when it simply doesn’t matter? And what will drive you nuts later is that people from that “lazy” group will eventually end up promoted over you. The work is ultimately inconsequential, but the relationships built matter.
I don’t really have an answer for you other than to introspect a little bit on your work ethic.
Nothing ever happens
This is a solvable problem. Just make a LoRA of the Alice character. For modifications to the character, you might also need to make more LoRAs, but again totally doable. Then at runtime, you are just shuffling LoRAs when you need to generate.
You’re correct that it will struggle to give you exactly what you want because you need to have some “machine sympathy.” If you think in smaller steps and get the machine to do those smaller, more do-able steps, you can eventually accomplish the overall goal. It is the difference in asking a model to write a story versus asking it to first generate characters, a scenario, plot and then using that as context to write just a small part of the story. The first story will be bland and incoherent after awhile. The second, through better context control, will weave you a pretty consistent story.
These models are not magic (even though it feels like it). That they follow instructions at all is amazing, but they simply will not get the nuance of the overall picture and be able to accomplish it un-aided. If you think of them as natural language processors capable of simple, mechanical tasks and drive them mechanistically, you’ll get much better results.
Maybe the problem is that I’m too close to the specific problem. AI tooling might be better for open-ended or free-association “why not try glue on pizza” type discussions, but when you already know “send exactly 4-7-Q-unicorn emoji in this field or the transaction is converted from USD to KPW” having to coax the machine to come to that conclusion 100% of the time is harder than just doing it yourself.
I, too, work in fintech. I agree with this analysis. That said, we currently have a large mishmash of regexes doing classification and they aren’t bulletproof. It would be useful to see about using something like a fine-tuned BERT model for doing classification for transactions that passed through the regex net without getting classified. And the PoC would be would be just context stuffing some examples for a few-shot prompt of an LLM and a constrained grammar (just the classification, plz). Because our finance generalists basically have to do this same process, and it would be nice to augment their productivity with a hint: “The computer thinks it might be this kinda transaction”
Leading to either having to carefully double check what it suggests, or having fix bugs in code that I wrote but didn’t actually write.
100% this. Recent update from jetbrains turned on the AI shitcomplete (I guess my org decided to pay for it). Not only is it slow af, but in trying it, I discovered that I have to fight the suggestions because they are just wrong. And what is terrible is I know my coworkers will definitely use it and I’ll be stuck fixing their low-skill shit that is now riddled with subtle AI shitcomplete. The tools are simply not ready, and anyone that tells you they are, do not have the skill or experience to back up their assertion.
This take is so naive. You really think the advertisers will give up their current, rich sources of data for Mozilla’s watered down crap? Given the current market share, no one is going to pay a premium for this little data. Or do you think the people that came up with everything creep.js does in order to track you will suddenly grow some ethics and stop doing that just because Mozilla is selling my data in aggregate? Not only is this a dumb idea that won’t even work (like just about every other non-browser thing they have tried), but then they also felt selling my data was within their right.
Mozilla Corp was never entitled to my data to sell in aggregate or to stay in for-profit business.
Only because they massively displaced a shitload of local business. Same with Amazon. If you have very little skills, where else are you going to work?