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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • WoW these days you can pretty much get through the game and into endgame stuff without being in a guild. It’ll be more tough if you’re looking to run mythics/heroics but if you honestly don’t care about running heroic/mythic raids/dungeons then you 100% never need to talk to anyone.

    then you have games like EVE Online where it’s pretty much essential you get yourself into a corp/alliance or a solid Discord group. Sure you can solo but doing so makes an already tough game insanely harder or you’ve regulated yourself to the relative safety of empire space. Faction Warfare is a great noob friendly starting point to dip your toes into corps/alliances and the politics/meta involved with that stuff. But in many cases joining a corp/alliance in EVE is like applying for a job. background checks, interviews, mandatory monthly meetings and call to arms/operations, etc. EVE is like working on Wall Street but you don’t get paid.

    FFXIV is another one you really don’t need to join a Free Company. And chances are if you do join one most of them aren’t running the content anyways, you’re just joining to talk and hang out.

  • his tweet was…wow. admits to sexting a minor, says he’s not a pedophile and hates pedophiles, says he’s gonna take a break and then come back similar to the time he admitted to cheating on his wife (likely with a minor at this point).

    The timeline of events is wild too. He says he was sexting with the kid in 2017, the same year he admitted on stream he cheated on his wife. But he got banned in 2020…yeah because if you read the bloomberg article you’d see it wasn’t until then that it was reported to twitch by either the victim, their family or someone close to them that it happened. proof in the pudding? literally two days prior to the ban Twitch released a statement about how it was investigating and cracking down on streamers who were discovered to be sexting minors on the platform. two days AFTER that statement doc gets banned (Ludwigs most recent video here: https://youtu.be/lMRu0jqQssw?si=QopJRTpxAUrICRIa&t=503 goes into detail)

    Nah man this is it for you bud. All his buddies (Nickmercs, Timthetatman, etc) have come out and said they’re done with him. If you support the guy you’re pretty much admitting you support pedophilia.

    So now I’m curious when he cheated on his wife, was it with someone underage?

  • honestly the only way people will 100% be able to understand as to why they’d have to see the contract Twitch had with Guy at the time. I wouldn’t put it past twitch if they had a really loose and shitty contract. could simply be a matter of “we want you off the platform, we weren’t smart enough to have a solid mortality clause if any at all, so we have to pay out the rest of your term”.

    and Guy could have been speaking the truth when he originally said 4 years ago he didn’t know why he was banned. They could have simply banned him and hoped he wouldn’t fight it. He threatens to take them to court for the money he feels he’s owed and rather than potentially expose the victim they just decided to settle.

    I mean knowing Guy’s fanbase that’s the route I would have personally taken. The last thing I would want is some kid that Guy was sexting to be potentially exposed and then harassed or threatened by insane 30+ year old dudes. it’s happened before in cases like this.

  • I used to live in the Southwest US like 20+ years ago and went to high school there. ICP was huge at my school but once people graduated they stopped listening to them for whatever reason.

    for where I lived It’d be join the Navy, work at grocery store, work at a call center, or live in a trailer park and die.

  • hot take on my part but I think people should stop going to pride parades completely. I dont’ know about other cities but here in Toronto it’s become essentially a walking in real life commercial for companies. This combined with the fact they took nearly $2mil in government grants here and simply pocketed the money. now they have to pay back $500k of it. They didn’t use that money to benefit the community or LGTBQ+ orgs, nope, they just stuck it in their pockets.

    Add to the fact none of these companies care about you giving them a piece of your mind, they don’t care. Some low level Verizon employee couldn’t give two flying fucks what you say about their corporate overlords. they don’t get paid enough to deal with that.

    How do you stick it to them? stop going to pride, stop buying their shit in June. Once they realize that pandering to people for one month to hopefully see an increase in sales doesn’t work then they’ll stop doing it. And show these pride orgs that have sold their souls to corporations that you won’t tolerate them making money on the backs of the community.

  • you can ease it by volunteering. That’s what I do. I volunteer with my local community center and food bank. I mean it’s something instead of nothing.

    Until that point in time people have to accept that there will be people living on the streets, they will be drinking, they will be doing drugs to cope with living on the streets and nothing will change until people stop complaining and attempt to make said change.

  • “I hate seeing homeless people trying to cope with being homeless”

    ok so do something about it, vote for people who will fix it, donate money to places that will help, volunteer at food banks, community centres, soup kitchens, be the change you want to see.

    you: no, I prefer to complain

    you’re part of the problem.

    “then idk what to do.”

    good lord you’re an idiot. and the terrifying thing is you procreated.