Winnin piracy just like they winnin the war on drugs
Sooner or later they’d get me for one thing if not for another…
[But if] a fellow ain’t got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody, then…Then it don’t matter. I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere.
Winnin piracy just like they winnin the war on drugs
Uh oh didn’t you read whyesseffs rant yesterday you rascal? She coming for ya
I couldn’t find what you meant. Can you expand a bit?
Sorry, I’m not quite sure what kind of help you are asking for. I do know one thing though:
Reddit shows me some weird stuff when I enter it and that distrubs my peace of mind!
You really should leave that place if you can. My experience is similar to yours, i also feel like crap after spending time there. Quitting that site and never looking back was a relief i hope you can share.
Unfortunately, I am in a system that handicaps human growth, you don’t/can’t grow up to your full potential when you live in systems like these
If you’re talking about being surrounded by reminders of a system you hate, i can relate. Can you talk more about them without doxxing yourself? If that’s not what you want to talk about, then maybe
I am hyperaware of certain things. Small things, they steal my mental peace, it can be someone honking incessantly on the streets or anything loud or unnecessary
Are you asking about help with anxiety and sensory overload issues? Cuz i can relate there too
IANAL but i am wondering if Disney is somehow letting this case go as a backdoor way to legitimize arbitration agreements.
Like, i just can’t see Disney not knowing this is the wrong case to push the legitimacy of an arbitration agreement. But if this case somehow legitimized through whachacallit… precedent… that an arbitration agreement, while binding in a primary sense, is not binding for every Disney product, wouldn’t Disney (and really every company that uses binding arbitration as part of using their product) consider that a win?
Because as i understand it, arbitration agreements as a requirement to use a service is still an untested legal grey area. Anything legitimizing them at all would be a win… Right? Againn ianal
On the other hand if there’s gonna be a challenge to the legality of arbitration agreements this is a strong place to start from.
No, there’s a rule that the coach can’t talk to the qb something like 10 seconds before any given play.
Damn, i had no idea she was this off her rocker.
I dig their cracks but i don’t follow the drama. Care to offer a primer on the soap opera?
Wheres civility when you need them? Civility where are you?
I see the near future/current world as basically RoboCop but more gore and less funny. and also without RoboCop.
One of the worst abuses of stereo in my opinion are old Beatles albums. Maybe cuz the tech was somewhat new they were playing far too much? Too much for me anyway