Open source nerd

Reddit refugee. Sync for Reddit is dead, all hail Sync for Lemmy!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I think this might be a “yes, but no” kind of thing.

    Yes, these are test strips. Yes, they change color to indicate a reading. Yes, they use chemical reactions to cause that color change.

    AFAIK: No, these aren’t for testing blood. No, these don’t seem to be for consumption by an electronic meter. And no, I don’t think this is what OP was asking about.

    Like, there’s probably some good info, but not for this thread specifically :P

    Source: Pulling it straight out of my ass, but it is informed by my limited experience with medical test equipment, and much less limited experience with electronics.

  • I mean, random NFC tags, I can understand. But, isn’t advising someone to avoid QR codes obsolete by now? It was a pretty worthwhile attack vector at one point, but nowadays most phones will ask “Do you want to <handle> <contents in full>?” before actually doing anything with it…

    Although, now that I think about it, it is best practice to advise to the lowest common denominator… Sometimes I overestimate users’ ability to avoid doing stupid things…