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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Like firing clay in a kiln, and for the same reason. “Canine” is actually a bastardisation of the 14th century term “Claynine”, because their bones were believed to be made of clay. Of course we now know this is not true - dog bones are made of a substance that merely resembles clay in many ways, but has a unique molecular structure making it semi-permeable to the red blood cells produced by the marrow. This clay-like substance can indeed be hardened by exposure to extreme heat, which is why it is not recommended to leave your dog in a hot car unless you want an invulnerable dog.

  • California in particular – with large population centers in arid landscape – has seen some movement on xeriscaping, doing landscaping that still looks nice – even if it’s not as tolerant of being walked on. But it’s still really not a norm.

    Colorado and large parts of Texas join California in this. In Colorado it’s especially galling to see huge lawns of grass because a.) native flora are very attractive and b.) it is so god damn dry most of the year that it makes California look like wetlands, which exacerbates the issue since grass doesn’t shade the ground as effectively from the harsh sun as native plants do, resulting in the need for more frequent watering. And this is on top of summers that regularly reach the hundreds, and winters that regularly get down into the negative double digits.

    This is somewhat mitigated by two things: there are of course fewer people in Colorado than California, and much more importantly, fewer celebrities.

  • If you make it clear how effective the Strattera is for you, and that you’re concerned a replacement won’t be as effective or will come with side effects you don’t currently experience with Strattera, they should keep you on it. It’s hard finding medication that works for you, and managing anxiety is a key part of managing your ADHD symptoms as it’s one less distraction to contend with. Fingers crossed for you, good luck!

  • If you bother to read, it does not in fact lump them in together. Yes, cats without meat will straight up die while dogs will for the most part eat nearly anything willingly. They will eat random gross off the road, they will eat things out the bin, they will eat their own vomit after hacking up the random gross thing they ate off the road. The willingness to eat the things does not mean it’s good for them, or part of a healthy diet. It’s true that a meatless diet won’t necessarily kill a dog (unless it’s a puppy), but it won’t thrive like it would with a meat-rich diet.

  • Right, so no actual objection, very good then. You’d have done better to stick to citing the sources you provided instead of trying to dismiss mine for such a weak reason, as those papers might at least be halfway convincing that there’s more study needed - after looking through the authors and funding to confirm there’s no conflict of interest of course, like say if a paper got funded by a dog food company that sells vegan products.