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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • I say to one of their neighbors, “their pies tasted better when they were using real sugar, but they’re scared the kids’ mommies will be mad because their kids are up all night so they just took the sugar out. Didn’t even replace it with anything. The Johnson’s still use real sugar, they don’t care.”

    Actually, I would say that unless it impacts you negatively, you shouldn’t criticize what others are giving freely. If they ask for criticism, that’s fine. But you shouldn’t volunteer it.

    That “free pie stand” didn’t do you wrong. You dumped a heap of negativity on them for something they did out of the goodness of their heart, spending their time, energy and hand-earned money on. And you were negative about it, staining their memory of that event for your own selfish desires.

    If they had asked you, “why don’t you want this pie?” you could have answered, nicely. But they didn’t ask you.

    Instead, you should have just left and gone to the Johnston’s pie stand instead.