We’ve all heard it before: People claiming Linux isn’t a viable alternative cause you can’t run it without using the command line.

I decided to test that. Now there are several distros aimed at new users that have preinstalled GUI tools so you don’t have to touch the Terminal. But I wanted to see if that’s also possible on a distro not specifically aimed at fresh converts. The oldest distro with a large userbase, which a lot of people consider to be a “standard” Linux, is Debian, so default Debian with Gnome is what I’ll use.

I consider “running an OS” to at least include booting it with full disk encryption, starting applications, connecting to a network, browsing the web, file management, installing updates and new software (both from the repos and third party sources), installing necessary drivers, setting up printing and scanning, and adjusting the looks and behaviour of the user interface.
So generally anything you’d be able to do on Windows without opening Powershell, CMD, Regedit or a text editor.

I guess I’m telling you nothing new when I say that you can install, boot, launch apps and browse the web on Debian without the command line.
It comes with a pre-installed software center, printer and scanner setup works out of the box from Gnome’s settings.

Here’s where it gets a little trickier: Scrolling on Firefox is rough, cause the preinstalled old version doesn’t have Wayland support enabled. So you either have to enable Wayland support or install the Flatpak version of Firefox.
To enable Wayland, you have to write MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 into /etc/environment. But the file manager doesn’t let you edit system files without starting it as root from the command line. To add an “edit as admin” entry to the context menu in Nautilus, you need the nautilus-admin package which isn’t available in the software center. It can be installed with Synaptic, a pre-installed GUI frontend for apt. But you still need to edit a system text file, which goes against the spirit of this challenge.
The other option requires enabling Flatpak for the Software Center. You can do that by installing gnome-software-plugin-flatpak using synaptic, then heading over to https://flathub.org/setup/Debian to download the flathub repo file which can be installed with a double-click and a reboot.
Note: Beginner-friendly distros ship with a newer Firefox version and Flatpak support out of the box.

To install any compatible binary on your system (like the Universal Android Debloater, for example), just copy it to any place you like. Install the menu editor alacarte and use it to add a menu entry for the file. Now you can launch it from within Gnome by clicking on its icon or using the global search.

Another issue is that during the boot process, you’re already presented with the command line running boot messages by you, and the password prompt for the disk decryption is also on the command line. Also, the 5 second Grub countdown is kind of annoying. To make this prettier, we need to install grub-customizer, launch it, set the grub countdown to 0 and add the word splash at the end of your kernel parameters in the settings. This activates the “boot-prettifier” plymouth which is pre-installed but not activated by default. Again, pushing the boundaries of this challenge.
Note: Beginner-friendly distros come with pretty plymouth boot enabled by default.

To enable the non-free nvidia Driver, you need to enable non-free software during the GUI installation or in the Software Center settings, then install nvidia-driver from Synaptic, and reboot.
Note: Beginner-friendly distros come with a one-click NVidia driver install

To install Steam from the Debian repos, you’d need to enable Multi-Arch first, which isn’t possible without the command line. Using the Flatpak version is your other option.
Note: Some beginner-friendly distros handle this for you as soon as you install a package that depends on multi-arch

tl/dr: It’s possible to run and administer Debian for standard tasks without touching the command line. It’s just generally faster to use the terminal if you know what you’re doing.
Distros like Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin or Pop!_OS (possibly also Manjaro which I have no experience with) remove the remaining roadblocks. The only time you’ll always need the command line is to fix issues you have with help from other users, because it’s much, much easier to just post the right terminal commands online than to guide you through whichever GUI you might be using.

Anyone who’s ever followed a Windows troubleshooting guide knows what I’m talking about.

  • tabular@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Is it possible to do work in a shed without using a drill?

    It is good of you to do this work and post your findings, so no offense intended, but this command line meme is better off not being spread. The terminal is a tool and should be used when it’s needed. Time spent worrying about this is time that could be spent making it easier to understand.

    I was introduced to the terminal by a friend so I don’t know of a good starting tutorial for newbies. I wasn’t interested until I saw you could use the output of one command as the input of another command using a “pipe”, the | character on the keyboard.

    • Croquette@sh.itjust.works
      25 days ago

      You are right that the terminal is a really useful tool. But for the average user, the terminal is intimidating.

      No other OS works like Linux in term of UX. You can use iOS or Windows without a command line all your life.

      As this post describe, it is next to impossible with a Linux Distro.

      For the people that want Linux to be mainstream, this is an important hurdle to go over.

      I know that Windows sometimes shit the bed where you need to edit a register or use PowerShell, but for the vast majority of people, it won’t be needed ever in their life.

      • JJLinux@lemmy.ml
        25 days ago

        This is not true, specially with atomic distros. You can get away with doing everything via GUI. I love my terminal, I can shave off hours of GUI with a few commands, but my kids and wife are also Linux users exclusively, and none of them have ever touched the terminal (yet).

      • tabular@lemmy.world
        25 days ago

        I once saw an adult struggle to navigate the cursor to a button. It’s a trivial task to most people but that’s only true when you know how.

        The terminal is not innately intimidating, it’s just new - it’s not something that they were taught in school. That’s where the hurdle actually is.

        • ian@feddit.uk
          25 days ago

          The CLI has lots of hurdles. Such having a blank screen with no prompts. Where the GUI shows the options you have. And 1 click to set the option. And how to unset the option is obvious. You only need to half remember a feature. Not precisely memorise and type command exactly or it will fail. Or worse, delete something you need. The GUI is preferred by the vast majority for good reason.

  • ssm@lemmy.sdf.org
    25 days ago

    No, nor should the user be encouraged to. Shell is often the best tool for the job for things like filesystem operations and scripting for a unix environment. Limiting yourself as a user just to copy Windows’ and MacOS’ paradigm is just hurting yourself in the long run.

    • Shayeta@feddit.de
      25 days ago

      The long run of… just using your PC without tinkering with it? Most people don’t want to mess with their OS, they want it to JUST WORK.

      • ssm@lemmy.sdf.org
        25 days ago

        I would hardly call using the shell “tinkering”. It’s just a different interface.

        • biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone
          25 days ago

          Yeah, my mum isn’t going into the shell. She’s 65.

          I don’t really like the idea of ‘beginner friendly’ like ‘you’ll get better and start doing it the real way’. It’s not some esport where it’s easy to play and hard to master, it’s a toolbox where it’s only job is to get out of the way of you accessing your tools.

          Operating systems are middleware.

    • JJLinux@lemmy.ml
      25 days ago

      Most Windows and Mac users have no idea what a script is,nor do they care. That doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from moving over to a Linux distro, and never having to touch a terminal is entirely doable for common users in most distros.

      Why are we trying to alienate people looking to drop proprietary BS by fearmongering?

      If you’re on GNOME, KDE or any of the other DEs for that matter, and you’re not a geek, yes you can live on GUI alone these days.

      • ssm@lemmy.sdf.org
        24 days ago

        Most Windows and Mac users have no idea what a script is,nor do they care.

        Imagine how much easier their lives would be if they did (at least the MacOS users, since Windows has yet to find a usable shell).

        If you’re on GNOME, KDE or any of the other DEs for that matter, and you’re not a geek, yes you can live on GUI alone these days.

        Unless you have exactly 1 tech support issue, in which the assistant will tell you to open a terminal for diagnostics, because any other interface for debugging is insane. Telling users they shouldn’t learn shell is just setting them up for being dependent on users that do.

  • GustavoM@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Is it possible to use Linux without the command line? Yes. Should you do it? Definitely not.

    • ɘlddoW .ᴙM@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      Am using Steam Deck as desktop replacement. I refuse to fuck with terminal, and have found a flatpack/GUI/web version of everything I want to do. I’m a 50yo nerd using PCs since the early 90s. I could probably learn linux command line stuff if I wanted to, but I want my machine to work for me, not the other way around.

      Tell me, why should I not be doing this?

  • JJLinux@lemmy.ml
    25 days ago

    If you’re not going to be tinkering, and all you want is your computer to work, absolutely.

  • Grass@sh.itjust.works
    25 days ago

    i still don’t understand why people are scared of command line when a lot of the fixes for windows bullshit require it in addition to registry editing, and also sometimes gpedit which is enterprise only now iirc.

    • drislands@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      Most users of Windows aren’t editing the registry, no matter what problems they encounter.

      For power users that do use regedit, I’d argue there’s still a gap between that and using a shell. The registry can be edited entirely with the Windows graphical utility, after all.

      • Captain Aggravated@sh.itjust.works
        25 days ago

        Well yes, largely for the same reason people are driving around on bald tires, paper thin brake pads and three drops of oil in the sump. It’s because the education system has failed them in one way or another.

        I have noticed two trends over time:

        You’re increasingly likely to be told to edit the registry to customize a Windows machine. Back in the 98/ME/XP days, you just didn’t hear about the registry. You might have known it existed if you were some kid with your dad’s hand-me-down Pentium III HP Pavilion, but you NEVER touched it. Sometime around Windows 8 you started to see guides talking about “If you want to put it back to behaving like Win 7 did, just add this registry key.”

        You are decreasingly likely to be told to open the terminal and run some arcane command to customize a Linux machine. GUI tools in distros designed for newcomers, casual users or gamers (things like Mint, Pop!_OS or Nobara) are increasingly complete and rely on users manually editing config files or running commands for fewer and fewer “typical” tasks.

    • ian@feddit.uk
      25 days ago

      The Registry Editor is a GUI that doesn’t rely on memorising commands. This is home territory for users. A tree to navigate, similar to a file manager is very familiar. Even the first time. Just give me the path. It is also easy to work out how to edit entries, and to revert changes. Sure, you might not like the looks of it. But it lies in the ‘normal’ world. Not in some strange world. People not into usability sometimes don’t get that.

      • Grass@sh.itjust.works
        25 days ago

        most people I have dealt with can’t even get on the internet if the browser icon moves a few spaces over. regular settinngs menus are out of the question for them, let alone an extra program for settings with names that don’t reflect their purpose in a laymans eyes. On the other hand I have had pretty decent success telling people to press win+x, release the keys, press a or whatever for cmd/powershell then copy paste a one liner, assuming a cmd/powershell command is available for the issue. or making a registry file they can double click.

      • Nik282000@lemmy.ca
        25 days ago

        I’ve been using Linux as a desktop and server since 2015, before that I was Windows only from 1995. Regedit scares me.

        • ian@feddit.uk
          25 days ago

          Yes. You can bork your system via the registry. But only some parts of the registry are dangerous. Changing the mouse scrolling direction as I do, hasn’t given me issues so far.

    • aksdb@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      Yup, I don’t understand it either. Many “how to fix …” articles involve quite a lot powershell magic. And I say “magic” because IMO they are often essentially API calls which I find far harder to grasp than config files that follow some logic and help me understand what is interacting how.

  • BCsven@lemmy.ca
    25 days ago

    OpenSUSE has YAST2-GUI GTK. Full GUI for everything, users, hardware review, even fiddling with kernel, services, or editting text config files via admin gui.

    • BCsven@lemmy.ca
      25 days ago

      Wait…OpenSUSE /SUSE has YAST2-GUI GTK for everything. No need for cli, all the admin stuff, even kernel boot params, services, servers, changing various config files is all in a GUI environment.

  • Itdidnttrickledown@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Its not possible to use windows to its fullest without the command line. You can muddle along and miss out without it but you will always hit a point where the cli is the best way forward.

    • ian@feddit.uk
      25 days ago

      Depends what you are doing on Windows. I’ve never needed the command line.

  • puchaczyk@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    25 days ago

    “GUI makes easy tasks easier, CLI makes hard tasks possible”. I’m a Debian user and lately I haven’t been touching terminal at all, unless it’s an inherently terminal task like programing. My only complaint now is that when I did an grub update my config file got reverted to the defaults. All of a sudden I couldn’t boot to Windows from grub because os-prober got dissabled (I’m dualbooting). Fixing that is not hard, as you only have to uncomment one line in the config, but it’s annoying that it happend.

  • pr06lefs@lemmy.ml
    25 days ago

    You can’t run the linux I use (nixos) without the command line.

    The mobile linuxes are way more GUI oriented. Android is first on that list. But also the various other linuxes that target phones, with UIs like phosh. On those I’d say you can mostly never touch a terminal.

    But I don’t think you’ll ever be able to do ALL the things without touching the command line though. There’s a lot of software that’s intended to run in a no-GUI situation, like a headless server or embedded. Sometimes a GUI interface will be provided, but I doubt that kind of thing will ever be GUI-first.

  • NauticalNoodle@lemmy.ml
    24 days ago

    with certain distros the answer is a resounding “yes” with some others it’s a “technically, yes” and with even others it’s “good luck!”

    UAC-style sudo prompts are are one of the most common issues i can think of. It’s very poorly implemented in the distro i use.