The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in every nook and cranny. Is not worth the annoyance just to shower yourself with salt water.
Nice try but I see that Sith dog whistle
being forced to shower like every 3 hours just to not feeling sweaty
Bro do you live in the desert? Or are you obese? Both? This feels like a very local/personal experience lol. Far from everyone has these issues with summer.
Maybe it’s all a joke and I’m whooshing hard but… Anyway.
Just sounds like Florida to me.
100% humidity all the time. Temperatures in the 100’s (F) (>38C). Feels like the air is thick and heavy constantly. It’ll rain just long enough every so often to keep these attributes true almost all the time. Doesn’t matter how fit you are, just walking to your car is enough to make you feel like you just crawled out of the swamp. Worst of all, Florida doesn’t get Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter; We get Summer, Simmer, Summer, Fall.
Yeah that sounds about right. I’ve lived two summers in south Florida and it was brutal. Summers here in northern Sweden are quite a lot milder, obviously. Very comfortable. But can also get very hot, as well.
So a very local thing indeed.
A lot more of the USA is obese now than ever, and obesity and heat do not mix.
Indeed. I have a colleague who is obese. They tend to dress lighter waaay earlier in the year than the rest of us in the team. 😅
Offices having AC on when its 50 outside also sucks.
When you say 50, you mean C or F?
Fahrenheit, sorry should have clarified.
I’m guessing you’ve never been to a tropical place during summer. They’re not exaggerating, any physical work you do within a couple of minutes you start sweating, it’s hell.
I’m Canadian in a place with a decent amount of snow and it’s cold for like six months of the year. I love summer.
I do live near a popular cottage area so the downside to summer is all the asshole cottagers who tailgate aggressively if you aren’t driving 30km/hr or more over the speed limit.
Summer fans are not real, no way you guys enjoy a billion fuckin degree weather and sunburns that turn you to leather or the absolute swamp in your pants from being outside for more than 2 minutes.
That depends on your body though. I never get sunburns and while 30C is warm but comfortable, anything under 5C is actually painful. So I don’t get winter fans either.
The thing is, in the winter you can just keep layering. But in summer, you can only remove so many layers before you have to rip your skin off to remove another one. Also I should mention that I’m in California where we get +35C summers and winter is 15C. BUT PEOPLE HERE STILL SAY SHIT LIKE “Can’t wait for the warm weather! 😁” THE FUCK YOU MEAN “WARM” THIS SHITS ACTUAL HELL
Go outside in 40°C weather for a bit, come back inside, sit in front of air conditioner, be just fine in a couple of minutes
Go outside in even 10°C weather for a second, come back inside, freezing to death even in front of a heater for an hour because cold or even very cool weather chills me to the bone and it takes forever for me to get warm again
Yeah, I prefer summer.
Yeah, no.
You can almost always add more layers, so unless we’re talking about literally Siberia in winter, you should be fine.
But if it’s too warm for shorts and shirt, there’s nothing I can do. I can’t run around naked or remove my skin (not in an easily reversible manner at least).
Absolutely, in Louisiana.
Absolutely. By body runs hot, and Autumn is my favorite. All the gray of winter exacerbates my depression, and snow is a pita. In Autumn all the goddamn bugs die and the inevitably swampy Chicago humidity is a non-factor.
I don’t mind the beach but please just give me autumn. Screw summer
Very early summer or late spring.
Just enough that you don’t need a jacket in the morning/evening but not so hot that you will spontaneously combust during lunch.
Summer = wildfire season.
Summer is orders of magnitude less painful all around than winter. Fall, now, that is the absolute best time of year. Not too hot not too cold, nor too wet. Just purfick
I like summer. I can wear shorts. They’re cool and comfy.
Are they easy to wear?
My wife could’ve written this
Don’t forget to take out the trash darling.
Already did 😎
Love summer. Love all the seasons, but would be nice if summer was one, two months longer and winter shorter.
Ok Satan
Are you by any chance related to Anakin Skywalker ?
Seriously, summer here in Comoros corresponds to the rainy season and it’s indeed a bit uncomfortable to traverse. 95% humidity, upwards of 35 degrees, frequent pouring rain. I change clothes at least twice a day, and I work from home ! At least we have water and nature is happy for it : forests are lush, dense, fruity. It’s winter now, muuuch more bearable.