The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in every nook and cranny. Is not worth the annoyance just to shower yourself with salt water.

    25 days ago

    Are you by any chance related to Anakin Skywalker ?

    Seriously, summer here in Comoros corresponds to the rainy season and it’s indeed a bit uncomfortable to traverse. 95% humidity, upwards of 35 degrees, frequent pouring rain. I change clothes at least twice a day, and I work from home ! At least we have water and nature is happy for it : forests are lush, dense, fruity. It’s winter now, muuuch more bearable.