I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now. So, where will it stop? Have the Israeli government ever spoken about this?

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    6 days ago

    I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now.

    Hezbollah, not Lebanon. Please don’t legitimize terrorist groups by considering them to be the government of the country they operate in. Lebanon has elections, please support democracy and it’s not consider Hezbollah as Lebanon’s government, even if those psychopaths have control over a significant portion of the country.

    That being said, Nasrallah is probably under significant pressure to do something to help Hamas in some way. Last week he put out some threats against Israel. Israel put out counter threats. In all likelihood that’s where things will stay, neither side wants a war with the other.

    The media is always saying a war is imminent. Remember when they were claiming China was going to invade Taiwan any minute? There’s probably some outlets that’re still are saying that sometimes. It gets clicks, views, and ratings.

    Who knows they might be right this time (a stopped clock is right twice a day) but it seems doubtful.

    So, where will it stop?

    In terms of Gaza, Hamas is still holding Israeli hostages. It’s not going to stop as long as Hamas is holding Israelis hostage.

    Hamas is likely making a lot of money from the suffering of Palestinians. So they don’t have much incentive to release the hostage and put an end to the conflict.

    So it will continue on as the IDF goes house to house trying to find the people that Hamas took on October 7.

    Eventually either the IDF will find all of the hostages or Hamas will release them. Then it will end.

    • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      6 days ago

      Eventually either the IDF will find all of the hostages or Hamas will release them. Then it will end.

      Lol, good one.

  • bartolomeo@suppo.fi
    6 days ago

    Yes, they usually do it slowly to avoid suspicion but when the situation is convenient they go ahead and take a big bite out of Palestine.

    That’s how they have been operating, even before the establishment of Israel:

    Before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War broke out, the Carmeli Brigade’s 21 Battalion commander had repeatedly damaged the Al-Kabri aqueduct that furnished Acre with water, and when Arab repairs managed to restore water supply, then resorted to pouring flasks of typhoid and dysentery bacteria into the aqueduct, as part of a biological warfare programme. At some time in late April or early May 1948, - Jewish forces had cut the town’s electricity supply responsible for pumping water - a typhoid epidemic broke out. Israeli officials later credited the facility with which they conquered the town in part to the effects of the demoralization induced by the epidemic.[54]

    Israel’s Carmeli forces attacked on May 16 and, after an ultimatum was delivered that, unless the inhabitants surrendered, ‘we will destroy you to the last man and utterly,’[55] the town notables signed an instrument of surrender on the night between 17–18 May 1948. 60 bodies were found and about three-quarters of the Arab population of the city (13,510 of 17,395) were displaced.[56]


    It is evident that that is their modus operandi because now Gaza’s water system is destroyed, and I suspect they will take Gaza just like they took Akka.

    Israel taking over Palestine has been the plan since the beginning, as the founding fathers of Israel themselves announced:

    Zionist leaders, in particular David Ben-Gurion, viewed the acceptance of the [United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine] as a tactical step and a stepping stone to future territorial expansion over all of Palestine.

    Then they started.

    Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state. Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.

    All the theatrics about Israel’s right to defend itself etc. are just cover for the long history of horrible crimes and human rights violations Israel has perpetrated (and continues to perpetrate). There is a reason that people are mad at Israel, and it has nothing to do with being Jewish.

    So yea, Israel is going to continue overtaking Palestine, unless they start being held to international law like everyone else. Germany and USA impede on that process, but hopefully the rule of law will triumph because

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

  • Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
    6 days ago

    Basically the situation in Israel/Palestine is that Hamas has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza, and Israel has a very right wing government. The Israelis have vowed to destroy Hamas entirely, but Hamas is deeply entrenched in every aspect of life in Gaza so what Israel is doing is actually pretty much the only way to rid the region of Hamas, but it comes at an extreme cost and involves a lot of war crimes.

    It probably is the only way to get rid of Hamas, but its going to cause so much resentment that peace in Gaza will be completely unattainable within your j or mine. But in short yes, they’re going to kill anyone with even loose ties to Hamas and if you’re a civilian standing too close, oh well.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Hamas has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza

      I was under the impression the IDF had a bit of influence there, what with all the tanks and bombers and soldiers scouring every inch of the war-blasted landscape.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      That’s the problem isn’t it? Hamas was actually running a government. For reference about 13 percent of people in the US work for the government. Now think about their friends, contractors, and families. How high do you think that percentage is? How high does it become after you kill half that 13 percent while they’re just trying to distribute aid and run hospitals?

      They absolutely know what they mean they say they’re going to destroy Hamas, but the West pictures Hamas solely as a bunch of fighters, separate from the hospitals, sewage departments, police, and etc.

    • bartolomeo@suppo.fi
      6 days ago

      Hamas has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza

      Don’t you mean Israel has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza? Hamas does not control the borders, the monetary policy, electricity, water (via a racist system of permits being habitually denied), airspace, sea, population registry, international trade, ID cards, or travel to and from Gaza. Israel does. Israel even sells the drilling rights for natural gas off the coast of Gaza.

      • Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
        6 days ago

        Gaza has a border with Egypt as well. If Egypt were so inclined, they could open it and allow all sorts of trade and humanitarian relief. They could even set up a refugee camp to protect civilians from harm. They would rather not open the border because they don’t want Hamas to get a toe hold in Egypt.

  • StaySquared@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    It definitely cannot defeat Hezbollah. Much less combined with other parties, Hamas, Houthis, whatever is coming from Iraq. As far as I can tell… Israel has already lost. Mainstream media isn’t even providing its viewers/readers of the actual number of IDF casualties. It’s definitely not in the hundreds.

    Also, I have a feeling that Middle East nations will begin uniting, abandoning Western powers - their influences.

  • Dkarma@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    Have you not read the Bible?

    Go read what they originally did to the Canaanites…they’re going to do it again.

  • homura1650@lemm.ee
    6 days ago

    The Israeli government has no idea what it is doing. Literally. The current government was a barely held together coalition prior to October 7. In the direct aftermath, they formed a unity government and war cabinet that collapsed last week.

    Their prime minister has been indicated on corruption and bribertmy charges, which are currently on hold for obvious reasons. By most indications his primary motivation in this matter is to stay in power himself, with Israel’s national interests being secondary.

    Individual members of IDF leadership have called Israel’s stated objectives “unachievable”.

    Israel simultaneously wants to live in peace as a liberal Jewish state without commiting any form of ethnic clensing; and achieve its manifest destiny of establishing a Jewish theocracy across Judea and Samaria.

    These are deep questions that get to the core of what Israel is and stands for. Questions that are to be answered by the Israeli constitution in the 50s. That never happened because Israel was never able to agree on a constitution [0].

    Right now, Israel is just reacting, without any long term strategic vision. Various factions are trying to use that chaos to advance their own long term vision.

    [0] Which led to the big judicial reform constitutional crisis that was a giant political crisis before October.

    • samus12345@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Israel simultaneously wants to live in peace as a liberal Jewish state without committing any form of ethnic cleansing; and achieve its manifest destiny of establishing a Jewish theocracy across Judea and Samaria.

      A country at war with itself, much like the US.

    • istanbullu@lemmy.ml
      6 days ago

      Israel knows what it is doing. They have been very consistent about it for more than 80 years.

      They will kill every Palestinian an Palestine, and they will try to kill eveyone in the vicinity who is not jewish. It a country of religious fanatics who use 3000 year old fairy tales to justify their actions.

      • StaySquared@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        “mowing the lawn” as the Israelis call it.

        Btw from what I’ve witnessed, many Israelis dislike Orthodox Jews as much as they dislike Muslims and Christians. Israel is a weird place.

      • homura1650@lemm.ee
        6 days ago

        If that were the case then they would have written that into their constitution 70 years ago. And they wouldn’t have assasinated their own prime minister 30 years ago.

        Heck, the current minisyet of national security Ben-Gvir was rejecting from mandatory constriction by the IDF, and convicted in an Israeli court of supporting (Jewish) terrorism after being indigted by an Israeli prosecutor.

        These are not things that happen in a country that is unified in its goals.

  • Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    Israel wants to take over far more. They have litarally said they wanted to take over Turkey.

    This stops like how the Nazis were stopped from expanding their Lebensraum. By asking them very nicely to stop and explaining they are mean.

  • olafurp@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    What kind of bubble do you live in? If you take 2 million people, close their airspace, ports and land borders they’re not going to be happy.

    On top of that Israel does the following:

    • imprison kids for throwing rocks at soldiers wearing armor
    • take people’s houses, most recently in Sheikh Jarrah
    • Ban farmers from using water, promise water from other sources and don’t deliver.
    • Close West Bank Airport
    • Settle lands in he West Bank.
    • Make Palestinians go to Military court with 99% conviction rate instead of a civil court.
    • Administrative detetention without giving any reason. (Because classified)
    • Withold evidence from courts that’s used to convict them. (Because classified)
    • Settlements are both within the 1948 borders and even within the Olso accord Green line.
    • Beat people up and throw tear gas that go play at Al-Aqsa mosque.
    • Don’t convict any settlers of violence.
    • Fondle women at check points when they open the trunk of their cars.
    • Limit imports to single item per pallet.
    • Limit work visas.
    • Limit family reunification as a way to immigrate across the border.
    • Random checkpoints that destroy tourism such as in Jericho.
    • Open policy of disproportial response to every reaction the Palestinians have.
    • Raid refugee camps and destroy their roads like in Jenin.
    • Kill journalists that cover the story such as Shireen Abu Akleh
    • Don’t even convict the murdered because he was a soldier.
    • Oh and kill/wound 5% of Gaza, half of which are children, for good measure.

    When people are suffocating because someone has their foot on their throat they react. Nobody should be surprised that Oct 7 happened. Especially after Israel was warned many times that they would do something if they continue raiding one of the holiest sites in Islam.

    • douglasg14b@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Literally the first thing you do on NoStupidQuestions is attack the person asking the question.

      And then go on a rant that doesn’t actually address the question. I honestly don’t even know if you read the same OP that I did here…

      Cmon, that’s not acceptable behavior here.

  • andrewta@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    In 1948 when Israel was formed as a nation state, the borders were set at that time. It would not have been a problem but terrorists (think Hamas and other groups like that) kept going across the border into Israel and killing and committing other crimes. Israel fought back.

    As Israel fought back more cross border raids happened.

    Israel puts up the iron dome ( understandable because of the missiles being launched at them).

    Israel pushed their borders to try to get some breathing room. I disagree with their belief the area should be settled. Make it a DMZ ? Fine, that’s a legitimate usage. But to settle it? Now they are (in my opinion) expanding their territory and not creating a buffer zone.

    But I’m not sure what the answer is.

    Leave Palestine alone and allow hamas to keep doing cross border raids?

    Keep responding to the individual cross border raids and attack hamas? That doesn’t solve the problem because hamas will keep coming.

    Put other nations militaries on the border? Hamas will just call that an act of aggression by those countries and attack those militaries.

    Hamas has a belief that all Jews everywhere should be killed. So where would the Jews even go?

    Just expand their nation ( Israel) to the ocean? Ok then where do the Palestinians go?

    I’m not sure what the answer is.

    The state of Palestine was split to create two countries Palestine and Israel. Because historically that was the Jewish homeland. But how do we solve this current problem. I have no idea

    • olafurp@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      What kind of bubble do you live in? If you take 2 million people, close their airspace, ports and land borders they’re not going to be happy.

      On top of that Israel does the following:

      • imprison kids for throwing rocks at soldiers wearing armor
      • take people’s houses, most recently in Sheikh Jarrah
      • Ban farmers from using water, promise water from other sources and don’t deliver.
      • Close West Bank Airport
      • Settle lands in he West Bank.
      • Make Palestinians go to Military court with 99% conviction rate instead of a civil court.
      • Administrative detetention without giving any reason. (Because classified)
      • Withold evidence from courts that’s used to convict them. (Because classified)
      • Settlements are both within the 1948 borders and even within the Olso accord Green line.
      • Beat people up and throw tear gas that go play at Al-Aqsa mosque.
      • Don’t convict any settlers of violence.
      • Fondle women at check points when they open the trunk of their cars.
      • Limit imports to single item per pallet.
      • Limit work visas.
      • Limit family reunification as a way to immigrate across the border.
      • Random checkpoints that destroy tourism such as in Jericho.
      • Open policy of disproportial response to every reaction the Palestinians have.
      • Raid refugee camps and destroy their roads like in Jenin.
      • Kill journalists that cover the story such as Shireen Abu Akleh
      • Don’t even convict the murdered because he was a soldier.
      • Oh and kill/wound 5% of Gaza, half of which are children, for good measure.

      When people are suffocating because someone has their foot on their throat they react. Nobody should be surprised that Oct 7 happened. Especially after Israel was warned many times that they would do something if they continue raiding one of the holiest sites in Islam.

    • istanbullu@lemmy.ml
      6 days ago

      Israel is the terrorist. Israel was established by murdering and displacing the people who lived there.

      Genocide and mass murder are the core values of the Israeli state.

      • andrewta@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        Yeah it would have nothing to do with the fact that after world war 2 no one would take in the Jews. So a Jewish state was created. Nah nothing to do with that at all.

    • Tryptaminev@lemm.ee
      6 days ago

      Colonial league of nations declare Israeli state after later to become Israeli terrorists have terrorized Palestinians and the British troops to force them out. Palestinians are not asked on the matter if they want to give those terrorists a fascist ethnostate on their land.

      Fascist ethnostate gets declared, starts ethically cleansing hundreds of thousands of people.

      Some neighbouring countries try to prevent that.

      75 years of propaganda and brainwashing and people like you spin it like the Israelis are the victims, even while they are currently committing an even worse genocide and ethnic cleansing than they used to do back then and in between.

    • Meldrik@lemmy.wtf
      6 days ago

      Which neighbouring nations approved of those borders and does Israel respect those borders today?

      • StaySquared@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        The borders were technically a theory… an idea. It wasn’t even officially established until Israel gained military might, if I remember correctly.

    • orrk@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      and thus you justified the 14 words.

      “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children”

      we must slaughter Palestinians, because only then can we be safe!

  • gedaliyah@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Lebanon (at least Hezbollah in Lebanon) began attacking Israel on Oct 8 in solidarity with Hamas. Things have gradually been escalating since then.

  • NMeneses@lemmings.world
    7 days ago

    As longs as inertia prevails in the world stage, sadly, I don’t see a near term future where a light might shine in the end of the tunnel for Palestine’s future.

    But if it serves a consolation, simmering tensions are purging therein the Netanyahu’s regime. His close allies aren’t aligned with the PM’s vision of the plausibility of defeat of Hamas (as if the Israel’s anger agains Palestine had anything to do with Hamas; it’s was a fallacious pretext).

  • nooneescapesthelaw@mander.xyz
    7 days ago

    It will stop when they get everything from the nile to the euphrates river, also known as greater israel. The bible defines Israel as from the nile to the euphrates, they will not rest until they have “settled” the entire region

    • Aolley@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      Sounds like the CCP approach to twain with the "but a ‘kingdom’ in the past had this territory so we are entitled to it.

      • sparkle@lemm.ee
        7 days ago

        Even worse, because the Kingdom of Israel stopped existing 3000 years ago. Modern Israelis have zero connection to ancient Israel

        • SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
          6 days ago

          The Palestinians also have zero connection to the land. The Palestinian identity was artificially created around the same time as the modern Israeli identity with the intent to prevent the creation of a Jewish state. There was never a sovereign entity called Palestine at any point in history. Before the current states, there was the British mandate and before that the Ottoman Empire ruled the region for a few centuries. The Ottomans and the empires that preceded them had completely different divisions for this region. The modern borders are based on nothing historical.

          • naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            6 days ago

            Yeah but you understand the difference between the state and the people who lived there right? Like Jewish settlers came from Europe, to the place Palestinian people were and had been living in.

            They have a connection to the state of Palestinian (inasmuch as it exists given differing degrees of recognition) by way of having moral rights to continue living on the land they live on regardless of what some lines on a map call it.

            • SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
              6 days ago

              This idea that Israel came to be a bunch of Europeans sailing to a country and taking it over is outright false. This brain dead myth is mostly supported by American Marxists who want to push the false comparison with how the US came to be. They’re nothing alike.

              The Jews in Israel were already there. They’re indigenous to the land. Their history goes back thousands of years. Same goes from the Christians and other religious minorities there. islam is not endemic to the region, it came through islamic conquest, colonization, and oppression from the Arabian peninsula. The majority of Israeli Jews are not European. They’re from the region. On top of the Jews that already lived there, the islamic world exiled nearly 1 million Jews to Israel for no other reason than being Jewish. European Jews only make up around 30% of Jews in Israel, and a good chunk of those are recent immigrants in the same way most people immigrate today (Indians moving to the US for work, Afghanis moving to Europe as refugees, Japanese moving to Thailand for leisure, etc).

              • sparkle@lemm.ee
                6 days ago

                You’re just flat out lying at this point lol. 21-23% of the entire Israeli Jewish population is first-generation immigrants; 30-35% is second-generation, direct offspring of immigrants; 30-35% is third-generation; 10-15% is fourth-generation; under 5% is fifth-generation or beyond (which would include Jews who lived there since before Aliyah). These are numbers are from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. There’s also statistics that rather say 40-45% are third-generation with much less being fourth-generation or beyond, but with around the same amount or slightly less being first and second generation – I find the former estimates far more reasonable though. It’s estimated around 90-97% of Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants since 1900.

                A majority of Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants of several Aliyah (immigration to “Zion” from outside of the lands of Palestine/Israel, practically starting from 1882 but mostly ramping up around the start of the British/Israeli oppression of Palestinians in the region in the early and mid 1900s). Even the most conservative estimates say that around 50-70% of Israel’s Jewish population growth since 1900 came from immigration, with most of the rest of the population growth coming from recent immigrants having children. And those are really conservative estimates, the actual amount is likely much higher than that.

                A significant portion of Israeli Jews came from immigration in the 90s, especially from the Soviet Union after its collapse – 1.4-1.6 million Jews (compared to Israel’s total current Jewish population of around 7.4 million) immigrated to Israel following the collapse of the USSR. Over a fifth of the entire Israeli Jewish population in just the span of one generation. Yet second- and third-generation Israeli Jews make up like 3-3.5x as much still.

                It’s crazy for you to try to state that modern Israelis aren’t primarily (nearly exclusively) descended from relatively recent immigrants who displaced (and outright genocided) the native population. You straight up just made that up without consulting any history/statistics, not even Israel’s own statistics lol. Palestine faced a colonization and replacement by Jewish immigrants – according to the Jewish Virtual Library, 8% of people in the region were Jewish in 1882; then 11-13% after the end of WW1, after the adoption of a Zionist policy for Palestine and occupation by the UK (see the Balfour Declaration); then 32% in 1947 after several Aliyah; then in 1948 – the year the Israel was formally established and immigrants were shipped in from all over the globe, and the year European immigrants to Israel started all-out total war and genocide against Palestinians – that number jumped to 82%. It is not Jews’ “indigenous land”, 93%+ of people in the region were Arab Muslims at the time of the first Aliyah, hundreds of thousands compared to the 9,000 Jews and even less Christians. Jews hadn’t been the majority in the region since the 4th century, Arabs & Muslims have been the majority since before the Magna Carta, the Crusades, European Feudalism, they were most of the population when France just started to exist.

                Considering the actual facts of the situation, your justification basically becomes “colonization and apartheid in the modern day is okay because some other people they identified with lived there 1,500-3,000 years ago”, in which case I have some bad news for like, 95% of Europeans, Middle Easterners, and Asians, who all exist on lands which were someone elses in that same time period. Ethnonationalism with feeling you have a “right” to certain land you have no actual connection to based on some ancient “predecessor” civilization that had those lands stolen from them before Hindu-Arabic numerals existed is a strong hint that you’re in the wrong (see: Nazism). Modern Jews are about as indigenous to Israel as the modern Japanese are to Korea, or modern Turkish are to Mongolia.

                Zionism is modern-day ethnonationalism and colonialism by predominantly non-Levantine peoples (more than half of those being primarily European in ancestry). Its purpose is creating and justifying an ethnostate where Jews are superior and have rights that other groups don’t have – and such things are cemented in the Israeli constitution and law. To exist, Israel requires relegating non-Jews to second-class personhood and requires (or required at some recent point in time) commiting acts of genocide towards certain non-Jews; abolishing that would be abolishing the concept of Israel and Zionism as a whole. There is no real moral defense of the state of Israel.

  • syd@lemy.lol
    8 days ago

    There’s no reason for them to stop. No one standing against them. If I was them, I would do the same.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
    8 days ago

    Well, yeah. That’s the idea. Why would they go this far and not go all the way? They know damn good and well that as long as they keep things just barely on the end where genocide isn’t stated as a goal, and they maintain a position of alliance with most of the west, nobody is going to actually stop them.

    Hell, without starting a world war, I’m not even sure they can be stopped.

    On the world stage? There aren’t enough nations with power that actually care about Palestine. Yeah, leaders will make noise and pretend to care, but Palestine offers nothing to the major powers worth intervening for.

    Sounds sociopathic, right? That’s the leaders of most of the world. People drawn to power rarely have the ethical rigor to wield said power. Those that do, still have to deal with oligopoly, hidden fascists, and the reality that no nation can really take action without upsetting the whole damn thing.

    • SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Palestine: declares war, explicitly calls for genocide, asks muslims to murder Jews everywhere, calls other countries to invade Israel, invades Israeli towns, commits terrorist attacks against civilians, massacres entire families, rapes women, launches tens of thousands of missiles, broke ceasefire agreements they asked for (twice), takes hundreds of hostages, openly celebrate the attacks on the streets, parade around the corpses of the naked victims, shows zero remorse, refuses every peace deal, vows to do it all again.

      Israel: fights back

      Idiots: tHaT’s LiTerAlLy GeNoCiDe

      Actually brain dead

    • SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Actually that’s not true, the muslim Arab countries went to great lengths to intervene and support the Palestinians. From starting coalition wars that sought to destroy Israel to organized boycotts and sanctions by the muslim world to placing diplomatic pressure on the West to put out peace proposals to giving them billions in aid annually. They tried everything, but every time, the Palestinian leadership has insulted them, backstabbed them, lied to them, or squandered their efforts away. For example:

      Jordan - Took part in coalition wars, took them in as refugees… but Palestinians used this as an opportunity to try to overthrow the Kingdom by assassinating officials and committing terrorist attacks. It was so bad that these events became known as black September.

      Egypt - Took part in the coalition wars, tried to diplomatically support Palestine, and took them in as refugees… but the Palestinians also took this as an opportunity to try and overthrow the Egyptian government multiple times. It got so bad that Egypt had to join Israel in their blockade.

      Kuwait - provided military, economic, and political support as well as took them in as refugees… but the Palestinians openly celebrated and supported Iraq’s invasion in the 90s under Saddam Hussein. It got so bad that Kuwait kicked out all 350,000 Palestinian nationals from it’s territory.

      Syria - Took part in the coalition wars, provided diplomatic support, and took them as refugees… but the Palestinians ended up trying to overthrow the government during the Syrian civil war. It got so bad that Bashar Al Assad pretty much severed relations with them.

      Saudi Arabia - I don’t even need to say anything here, they literally released a 3 part documentary (that I highly recommend) that goes through everything they did to support the Palestinians and what they did in return. Here’s part 1:


      I could keep going, but I think you get the idea. There’s a reason why all these countries are starting to recognize Israel now. They tried everything in their power to act on the behalf and in the best interest of Palestine, but in the end their efforts just blew back in their faces