• Konala Koala@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    I just hope that the next new study doesn’t end up being “New Study: At Least 15% of All Lemmy Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion”, otherwise I would be wondering WTF is going on, is Lemmy on the way of being enshittified by Corporate Morons?

    • 11111one11111@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      According to backlink.com there is 265,500,000 active users per week so 15% of those weekly users means there is 39,825,000 corporate whores per week. To have the corporate whores filled with real people you would need the entire population of the following cities to even come close:

      New York, NY 8,258,035

      Los Angeles, CA 3,820,914

      Chicago, IL 2,664,452

      Houston, TX 2,314,157

      Phoenix, AZ 1,650,070

      Philadelphia, PA 1,550,542

      San Antonio TX 1,495,295

      San Diego, CA 1,388,320

      Dallas, TX 1,302,868

      Jacksonville, FL 985,843

      Austin, TX 979,882

      Fort Worth, TX 978,468

      San Jose, CA 969,655

      Columbus, OH 913,175

      Charlotte, NC 911,311

      Indianapolis, IN 879,293

      San Francisco, CA 808,988

      Seattle, WA 755,078

      Denver, CO 716,577

      Oklahoma City, OK 702,767

      Nashville, TN 687,788

      Washington, DC 678,972

      El Paso, TX 678,958

      Las Vegas, NV 660,929

      Boston, MA 653,833

      Detroit, MI 633,218

      Portland, OR 630,498

      Louisville, KY 622,981

      Memphis, TN 618,639

  • Bertuccio@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Why is Medium conflating trolls and shills?

    People who are paid propagandists are shills, not trolls.

  • SOB_Van_Owen@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    My first realization about this problem with reddit came about a decade ago when it became undeniable that shills flooded the discourse the moment Monsanto was mentioned.

  • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    People are literally defenceless vs propaganda. Me too. It takes extraordinary effort to decipher the fake from true and whether the true is a full truth or some small piece on silver platter.

    At this point I gave up and I just try to find out motives of every… player and align myself with these that best serve my interests.

    I don’t read much news because it’s all leftist or alt right propaganda drivel and while I align myself with the left because it serves my interests the best I won’t waste my time listening to their whatever narrative they crafted last week…

    Just observe their actions and try to find out the motives and then ask if their motives align with yours. Their words or narrative are worthless drivel at this point, mostly.

    Alt right drivel however is especially toxic and insulting but that is specifically done to evoke emotions. Anti gay propaganda crafted by closeted bisexual priests that want a piece from the table. It’s a bit like these email scammers who filter out less naive by making lots of grammar errors on purpose. You are supposed to be enraged either way.

    • UltraGiGaGigantic@lemm.ee
      2 days ago

      Have you ever seen Adam Curtis’s “Century of the Self”? Super long, but it goes on about how marketing and politics intertwined.

      I think it’s on YouTube for free

  • dejected_warp_core@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    That’s alarmingly low - it suggests that it doesn’t take much for any given influencing campaign. If there are fifteen discrete such campaigns in play, that’s just 1/100 of everyone. Also, it’s probably cost-effective at these numbers, which is terrifying.

    What I want to know is: what percentage are human users that ate the onion metaphorical tequila worm1 and are now parroting these trolls?

    1. Follow me here: drink a bottle and eat the worm inside. You’re not thinking straight and did something you wouldn’t do if you had your wits about you, or maybe a friend nearby if you were thinking clearly. Propaganda has a way of forcing you into a phantasm by emotional manipulation, making it easy to jam all kinds of nonsense into your head. Extending the metaphor, said propaganda also lays out how to defend your worm eating habit as though it’s totally normal to do.

  • drev@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I remember writing a comment about invasive advertising by Instagram. Just shared some anecdotes about how a few extremely specific conversation topics soon became the topic for the ads I was seeing on Instagram, and pointed out that if they were in fact using background conversation to target ads, it would be extremely easy to automate with the voice recognition technology available at the time, so why would they ignore the opportunity if targeted ads are their main source of revenue?

    It became one of my most down voted comments at the time, and I had about twice as many replies as downvotes, claiming all kinds of wild or easily disproven shit to disprove the idea that Instagram used such tactics. Was very fishy

    • IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      And remember, if THEY have thousands of bots that each ‘think independently’ but still end up downvoting your post en masse, then that’s totally fine. But if YOU try to upvote your post with one of your alts so it doesn’t get buried, that’s bannable.

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        To be fair mods did try to take action against that and they did have tools. How well they worked is not something I will pretend to even guess at.

  • johannesvanderwhales@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Devil’s advocate here. Does not pretty much any post on the subject of politics that is not simply reporting constitute an attempt to manipulate public opinion? Are they specifically referencing nation states trying to influence public opinion?

    • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      Yeah sure but it’s the scale and sincerity.

      Me telling you my opinion on something is just that. I am just some guy. I don’t have access, or even want access, to a billion bots spamming my opinion.

      Also my opinion even if applied really doesn’t mean much practically. Generally speaking I am pro infrastructure so if somehow the government spent more money on infrastructure that only translates, at best, to a small raise on my part. Not the same as say a major corp.

      You see a community board where people can put up ads. What you expect to see are piano lessons, apartment for rent, tutoring etc. little things that really only matter to one person. You don’t expect some megacorp to rip every sign down and turn it into a billboard that blasts from speakers each time someone walks past.

      Basically it’s a question of degree not of kind. It might be that it is all the same kind but the degree is so vastly different.

    • SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      Astroturfing. Ads disguised as user content.

      You see an ad, you recognize it as an ad. Your opinion is probably unchanged.

      You see a user saying “Hey this product is actually pretty good,” it’s more likely to sway your feelings on the product, or at least your perception of the general sentiment to the product.

  • Snapz@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Uh, this post is a bummer and I don’t even know if I actually believe the premise… Whatever I guess, lett’s all actually just get out of here and go get some Sprite® brand family products, you guys.