Need to get the programming in early to make it stick. Especially developing brains can be put into a completely fictional world and their young brains assume it’s reality. The CIA did some fun stuff on this, but religion has hundreds of years of experience with child abuse in all of its forms.
OK so I have questions about this cartoon. I get Hulk, Mr Incredible and Goku, but why Mighty Mouse?
Because mice sin too.
Curious what sins mice do.
Fun fact: all mice are devil worshippers
False idols. Lots of gold statues in mouse dens.
they steal our cheese and goddammit I need that cheese
To appeal to children, which is an important focus of religious propaganda.
Pretty sure kids these days are going to he more familiar with Goku and Hulk than Mighty Mouse.
Do church leaders know that?
I don’t know, but it seems weird that they would know that but still know what Super Saiyan Blue is.
Need to get the programming in early to make it stick. Especially developing brains can be put into a completely fictional world and their young brains assume it’s reality. The CIA did some fun stuff on this, but religion has hundreds of years of experience with child abuse in all of its forms.
It’s like they’ve never seen an episode before. He was always lifting up crosses and crucifying Jews.
Why would the first three make sense, but not Mighty Mouse?
Because he has almost completely faded to obscurity. Most people under 30 probably wouldn’t recognize him at all.
Superman not being one of the characters in this image is also kind of baffling. Unless the artist believes that Superman could bear the cross.