Before Super Tuesday in 2019, Bernie was the forerunner despite the DNC’s best efforts.
So every conservative democrat dropped out and endorsed Biden while the candidate who shared many of Bernie’s policies split the progressive vote (ensuring none of the policies the former Reagan campaigner was running on would actually be implemented).
The biggest hurdle for potential candidates is name recognition and funding for getting those signatures. Even after getting the signatures, it’s very hard to challenge an incumbent, like was proven by Dean Phillips and Marriane Williamson.
Establishment/center right Dem influence on the primary happens through endorsements and media connections. While the actual primary is actually rather free, it’s not very fair as the establishment gets the first say over the narrative, though this is weakening incredibly over time with more social media and independent media influence.
That is far too democratic to ever be a thing in your country. The political system is financed and thus owned by the capital, so they will never permit a not capitalist to have any political success. Bernie, a by all objective measures very moderate leftist, is the furthest the spectrum goes, and he is more tolerated as a sort of token minority than realistically able to affect any real change.
If people were able to select and push their own candidates the whole big money oligarchy collapses.
I saw a Michael Moore documentary that claims Bernie actually had the votes for the nomination and the DNC lied and said he lost in a state where he actually won.
whether it’s true or not, DNC’s reputation makes it so believably probable – we got to watch as they backstabbed anyone slightly progressive, watched as they primaried anyone they couldn’t openly sabotage, and now they’re holding this year’s primary in Chicago claiming it won’t be a repeat of 1968 as they massively increase police presence …
More like people were betrayed by the DNC and rejected an unpopular candidate that was thrusted onto them.
And it wasn’t the last time. Remember super Tuesday?
Can you fill me in? I don’t remember hearing or reading about it
Before Super Tuesday in 2019, Bernie was the forerunner despite the DNC’s best efforts.
So every conservative democrat dropped out and endorsed Biden while the candidate who shared many of Bernie’s policies split the progressive vote (ensuring none of the policies the former Reagan campaigner was running on would actually be implemented).
The dnc really ought to let voters nominate their own candidates, instead of force feeding us their choice.
They actually do (Kind Of) candidates have to come forward and nominate themselves to the Democratic Party of the individual states after getting a certain amount of signatures from registered Democratic voters from those states.
The biggest hurdle for potential candidates is name recognition and funding for getting those signatures. Even after getting the signatures, it’s very hard to challenge an incumbent, like was proven by Dean Phillips and Marriane Williamson.
You must not remember the 2016 primaries.
That’s why I said kind of.
Establishment/center right Dem influence on the primary happens through endorsements and media connections. While the actual primary is actually rather free, it’s not very fair as the establishment gets the first say over the narrative, though this is weakening incredibly over time with more social media and independent media influence.
That is far too democratic to ever be a thing in your country. The political system is financed and thus owned by the capital, so they will never permit a not capitalist to have any political success. Bernie, a by all objective measures very moderate leftist, is the furthest the spectrum goes, and he is more tolerated as a sort of token minority than realistically able to affect any real change.
If people were able to select and push their own candidates the whole big money oligarchy collapses.
I saw a Michael Moore documentary that claims Bernie actually had the votes for the nomination and the DNC lied and said he lost in a state where he actually won.
Not sure if that’s true 100%
whether it’s true or not, DNC’s reputation makes it so believably probable – we got to watch as they backstabbed anyone slightly progressive, watched as they primaried anyone they couldn’t openly sabotage, and now they’re holding this year’s primary in Chicago claiming it won’t be a repeat of 1968 as they massively increase police presence …