What I don’t understand is knowing this… you still do your best to rally people to either not vote, or vote third party. Look, it’s a shit system. No one here is cheerleading for it. But because so few people chose to be activists in the off years between elections…
This is what we get when no one cares about politics when it actually matters. No. What we get are single-issue SJWs every election year shouting at everything trying to keep democrat alive while the rest of you whine about… whatever bothers you at the moment. And let’s not even mention the right-wing trolls among you that pretend to support your causes, but are only fanning the flames to prop up their boy.
And after all this… when the smoke clears in November, when the decision is made- ALL of you will disappear and reroll as victims of whatever that decision is.
What I don’t understand is knowing this… you still do your best to rally people to either not vote, or vote third party
You put that on voters (of which there are millions) but nothing for the DNC or Biden? Maybe 20 people who could give voters what they want?
What we get are single-issue SJWs
Even while typing this, I know people would still do it…
But like, please don’t do that thing where because I didn’t list every little thing, that I’m saying the only issues with Biden are the ones I listed.
Single issue voters are not a really thing.
But when enough people unify under a common cause, progress can be made. Which is while everytime the common people band together, there’s a couple telling them unity is bad, and they should always break apart and only worry about themselves.
MLK had some choice words about people that did that. Malcolm had more than words.
The genocide he’s not just supporting, but now actively involving US military in.
Making trump border policies permanent law.
Not fulfilling campaign promises
But like, please don’t do that thing where because I didn’t list every little thing, that I’m saying the only issues with Biden are the ones I listed.
Frankly, all of that should have been expected.
If you expected #1 and still voted for him…
I dunno, but at least now people can’t act like they don’t understand how people voted for hitler.
I expected this shit from republicans, but way too many people who call themselves Dems are just ok with genocide.
Apparently all it took to get Dems to support genocide, is only give them the option of more genocide?
And republicans are all about genocide, so now neither party can be counted on to be consistently against genocide?
What I still don’t understand, is why so many of you are just ok with it.
What I don’t understand is knowing this… you still do your best to rally people to either not vote, or vote third party. Look, it’s a shit system. No one here is cheerleading for it. But because so few people chose to be activists in the off years between elections…
This is what we get when no one cares about politics when it actually matters. No. What we get are single-issue SJWs every election year shouting at everything trying to keep democrat alive while the rest of you whine about… whatever bothers you at the moment. And let’s not even mention the right-wing trolls among you that pretend to support your causes, but are only fanning the flames to prop up their boy.
And after all this… when the smoke clears in November, when the decision is made- ALL of you will disappear and reroll as victims of whatever that decision is.
And what I don’t understand is whether this is to help War Criminal Putin or Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump.
I guess it doesn’t matter it all benefits the same Axis Powers.
The Axis of Evil
Treason Trump - War Criminal Putin - Comrade Xi - Monster King Kim Jong Un
You put that on voters (of which there are millions) but nothing for the DNC or Biden? Maybe 20 people who could give voters what they want?
Even while typing this, I know people would still do it…
Single issue voters are not a really thing.
But when enough people unify under a common cause, progress can be made. Which is while everytime the common people band together, there’s a couple telling them unity is bad, and they should always break apart and only worry about themselves.
MLK had some choice words about people that did that. Malcolm had more than words.
…… okay buddy.
That’s the sound of the Overton window ratcheting to the right, and the democrats locking it in place
The one and only way to move the Overton window to the left is for the GOP to keep losing elections over and over and over.
You listed 3 false things.