That’s what I said.
Pretty sure this is when Twitter let everyone buy checkmarks so you had a lot of tweets like this.
Dear lord, please smite twitter and all on it so that we may be cleansed from the unholy content it exposes us to 👏😔
Yes that’s the joke. It’s funny making fun of right wingers :)))
The obvious issue is that it is like taking candy from a baby. They are not developed enough to defend themselves. 😁
Sounds like he’s speaking from experience of both scenarios.
What the fuck is he actually talking about? I have no fucking clue how the US is full of people that read this shit and go, “yeah politics and I am an American Republican this guy knows the truth.” Like how did we get to this kind of stupidity?
It’s fake
You can’t prove it’s not real
In defense of the the guy you replied to, the Ben Shapiro types aren’t exactly known for NOT being into their sisters.
That’s the great thing about fake tweets from Ben. They all still feel like they could be real.
“omg americans are so stupid”
While falling for a painfully fake tweet.
I’m disappointed with how many people are falling for this
Cuz they want it to be true. They want their “opponents” to be vile creatures so they can claim the moral highground.
Makes it easier to dismiss their arguments.
I don’t see Ben Shapiro as an “opponent”. His weapons-grade bad takes aimed at nothing but to stoke the fires of a culture war simply are vile.
Hey now, you just can’t call him “Benny” out of the blue. His birth name was Benjamin. That’s what he should be called. That’s exactly according to his own rules he’s espousing. /very sarcastic of course
My brother in christ
He’s a Nazi tho, so he’s not
Also Jewish, so no Jesus
Nazis can be christian
Do y’all just call anyone you disagree with Nazis now? Seems a bit Russian to me.
It’s ironic for you to point out Russians because the only people supporting Russians today are conservatives
Lmao are you really gonna be a Ben Shapiro apologist? He’s an overt ethnosupremacist of the white variety, and is staunchly aligned with the proto-fascist elements of the far right American political spectrum.
But by all means, check my facts.
I think there was a woosh here
Nah, Zerog is 100% simping for Shapiro. You should see their Shapiro level takes on everything regarding Israel…
Every accusation is a confession…
You can only use stalker memes if you make a stalker community. Best political discourse ever, fight me.
I don’t understand
I feel sheepish saying it but I wish even these obvious fakes were marked as parody in tiny little font somewhere
You shouldnt feel sheepish about it.
I’ve already seen people using these fake tweets that everything thinks is soooo funny being use to defend and handwave the shit he actually says.
but why use brains and care about common sense when some stupid fucklechuckles get a giggle.
I think its a good start, but also super easy for an asshole to just edit out the (parody) label.
Watermark stretching the whole image
Otherwise someone will just remove it
I’d like to apologise now for when, in the future, I place a “parody” sticker on a genuine social media post. I know, there’s something wrong with me… but I thought I’d give you a heads-up about it as you seem pretty reasonable.
LOL lmk what your psych says about that
When you try it, make sure it’s in a domain where there is some chance of starting an international conflict
I was thinking of some (gentle) lazy flaming or trolling but your mention of instigating international conflict has inspired me to better myself and aim higher in life. Thank you.
You’re welcome, Nuclear Noel
Yeah without it at a certain point they start giving cover for the heinous shit he actually says and advocates for.
Which is exactly what i’ve argued a hundred times.
I genuinely would not be surprised if half of these are being made by trolls for the explicit purpose of muddying the waters and confusing things to give cover/plausible deniability to what he actually says, since screenshotted tweets have apparently become a medium of information transmission.
Fake Ben Shapiro tweets are always hilarious
Such a plausible thing for him to say I didn’t even question it.
I want to believe
It doesn’t even have to be plausible to be funny. Anything read in his goblin voice is funny.
“Let’s say for the sake of this argument in a theoretical hole, under the ground, there lived let’s say a hobbit…”
Figured Ben would be going a different direction with the theoretical ground hole…
We don’t need shit like that around here. Conservative / christofascist fucks say enough things that we can malign. Don’t make shit up unless it’s impossible for someone to misperceive as real.
Yeah but it’s funny.
Also, one could argue that by taking the piss out of some of these people, they’ll be taken less seriously overall. Which is a good thing.
I ate the onion on this one for a second.
Thanks for introducing me to this phrase haha
Like the others, I didn’t think it was fake.
This is the guy who doesn’t think aroused women have wet vaginas after all.
And his wife is a doctor too.
I literally came to the comments to find out if it was real or not.
Because quite frankly, I would probably believe either way .
I wouldn’t believe he’d have stopped there.
You got any more :)
Hey - loved the post.
After sharing my concerns and receiving affirmational feedback, I have made a very small edit to this image.
Please consider using Lemmy’s awesome image hot swap feature to update the image. You may simply tap edit and paste the following link:
If there any mods reading through here, I might suggest a rule asking folks to use their best judgment to include a similar indicator in similar circumstances.
I’m not much of an “/s” guy, but I think these six letters (parody) can avoid misleading without ruining the fun :)
It’s funny because his sister looks like someone gender bent him and gave him a proper skin care routine
I mean, in fairness Ben Shapiros looks are possibly the least offensive thing about literally everything else about him.
Talking about exerting control over impulses and the impulse to post this shit.
This dude thinks all the pornhub titles are real doesn’t he?